1957 Words

Gaylor pinched his long upper lip, looked moodily at the remains of his dinner. “Tennant tells me that they tried to bomb you this afternoon. It’s the Pizarro gang, of course. Kennedy?” “His very self,” said Mr Reeder, flippantly and ungrammatically. “And I should not be surprised if almost anything happened. I told my housekeeper to go home to her mother. Most housekeepers have mothers to go home to. I shall stay in town tonight.” “Where?” asked Gaylor curiously. “That’s my secret,” said Mr Reeder gravely. They went out of the Yard together, when Gaylor had an idea: “If you want to get out of the way, I should go down to St Margaret’s Bay. I think you will be safe there.” “An excellent idea,” said Mr Reeder. “A very excellent idea, but unfortunately the doctor is still in town.” H

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