
230 Words
**This is a sample of Throne of Fangs** Before my time, but not so long ago, humans ruled the four kingdoms. Call it evolution, call it the Gods, call it a balance of power, or maybe a fatal mistake, but some wolves turned into men. These pure-blooded wolf men claimed they were sent by their deity, who had made a pact with the human gods to help the humans. To keep the humans from annihilating each other and wiping out their existence completely. Or so the tale was told. The humans had many more tales, though, and it might have been the tales that kept us in a position of power we had barely earned. There were hushed whispers shared on loud nights when the wind's rage could not be tamed. They thought they were safe from the wolf men's prying ears. Tales were spun of the half-animals who couldn’t control themselves, and once rabid instinct took over, a single one of them could wipe out whole villages in the span of a single night. There were those stories that we were more monsters than even animals. On moonless nights, we traveled in packs of shadows, hunting virgins and children to feast on the blood of the innocent and send their souls to our deity. But as with anything, those stories started somewhere, and there was some truth in them.
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