Chapter 3

1040 Words
Tonight was especially cold. On a battlefield at the border, many fresh corpses lay scattered. Drake Will, leader of the Overlord Mercenary Group and Ethan Lee's ninth disciple, took a phone call. After listening, he angrily crushed the phone. His face, like a vengeful demon from hell, commanded, "Get the troops ready and follow me!" Several military vehicles blocked their path. A man approached cautiously, "Drake, you killed so many of our Devil Mercenary Group. Do you think you can just walk away?" Drake glared coldly, "Get lost!" The man waved his pistol and shouted, "Drake Will, get a grip! Even if your Overlord Mercenary Group is powerful, you can't be so arrogant! If you don't give us an explanation, no one is allowed to leave!" Both sides' armed mercenaries raised their guns, the situation extremely tense, with a battle about to break out. Snipers and machine gunners hidden in the shadows suddenly opened fire, their powerful shots instantly taking down the Devil Mercenary Group's armed personnel. Precise shots shattered their heads, and machine gun fire tore them to pieces. Drake said expressionlessly, "That's my explanation!" Two minutes later, three armed aircraft took off, flying towards the city where Ethan was! Drake Will, the most loyal ninth disciple of Master Lee and the leader of the Overlord Mercenary Group, was back! In an ancient eastern town, an elderly man in white picked up a medicine chest. Ignoring the important figures outside seeking treatment, he got into a car and sped away. Ezra Smith, Master Lee's thirteenth disciple, known as the "Enemy of Death" and the "Ultimate Doctor," was also back! At an international competition broadcast live, a graceful young man, upon hearing his assistant's words, suddenly dropped his chess piece. Without a word, he left the competition, abandoning the world chess championship title that was within his grasp. Dante Howe, Master Lee's seventeenth disciple, who held championships in all world-class chess tournaments, was also back! The sudden mobilization of various forces greatly shocked the federal government. Phone calls came one after another, and the voices of intelligence personnel filled with fear. "Sir, something's wrong!" "The Sharp Sword Special Forces left their original defense zone without any orders and are heading towards Greenhill City!" "Commander, three unidentified warplanes have entered our airspace. They're from the Overlord Mercenary Group. Should we intercept them?" "Traffic in Greenhill City is blocked by unknown armed personnel. They're preventing people from leaving the city!" Faced with one bad news after another, federal government officials were both shocked and puzzled, discussing among themselves. "Greenhill City?! Why is everything related to Greenhill City?" "Why are they targeting a small place like Greenhill City?" "Launch an investigation immediately!" "I want to know what's happening in Greenhill City!" At this moment, an elderly official said slowly, "No need to investigate. Haven't you noticed? The people heading to Greenhill City, although seemingly unrelated, share one common point! They're all disciples of Master Lee!" Everyone suddenly realized. In their minds, the image of a young figure appeared: Master  Lee, who lived a life of austerity without power or wealth, was respected by all. Master Lee's disciples were spread across the world and were all elites in various fields! Especially the Thirty-Six Disciples, whose wealth and power could threaten the security of a powerful nation! In the tense atmosphere, officials discussed: "D*mn it! Didn't Master Lee retire three years ago? Besides giving occasional lectures, he no longer intervened in specific affairs." "But why is he in a small place like Greenhill City?!" "Those disciples are heading to Greenhill City. Something big must have happened!" "By the way, isn't General Jackson Trump of the Northern Legion also a disciple of Master Lee?" "That's right! Among Master Lee's Thirty-Six Disciples, Jackson is ranked fifth!" "Call Jackson immediately. We need to know the truth!" Soon, the call was connected. The Secretary-General of the Joint Conference asked, "General Trump, what happened to Master Lee?" On the other end, after a brief silence, Jackson said, "Master Lee's daughter was almost drained of all her blood just now! And the Master has been unconscious for three hours after his trying to save her! We disciples are gathering in Greenhill City to avenge the Master's wife and daughter!" Even over the phone, the officials could feel the pressure and anger from the other side! Federal government officials were also extremely angry. Who was the foolish person committing such an evil crime? Master Lee's family lived in Greenhill City, which was a great opportunity to win him over! Damn it! These shameless criminals and their actions almost turned Greenhill City into hell! Fortunately, Master Lee arrived in time to save his daughter, otherwise, Greenhill City would have become a battlefield of blood and fire. Jackson's serious voice echoed in the command center, "Gentlemen, I advise you not to interfere. Someone in Greenhill City must pay the price! Don't try to persuade me. Without the Master, there would be no Jackson Trump or the Northern Legion! I will not order a retreat until the blood of revenge has been shed!" With that, Jackson hung up the phone! The officials felt humiliated, each one shouting angrily: "Damn it, what is Jackson trying to do?" "Although the Northern Legion is powerful, it's still a unit under the federal government's control!" "Those state governors are too weak. They let the Northern Legion become Jackson's private army!" Amidst the angry shouts, someone made a merciless mockery, "Gentlemen, if you're so angry, why don't you go to Greenhill City and reason with Jackson?" The command center fell into an awkward silence. Jackson Trump, the commander of the Northern Legion and a five-star General, was adored by his soldiers and had deep friendships with the northern governors. Jackson was brave and strong, with a powerful army. If pushed too hard, it might cause a rift in the federal government. Who but Master Lee would dare to reason with him? Someone weakly asked, "So... what do we do?" What else could they do but compromise? Orders were quickly issued: "All military forces around Greenhill City, abandon vigilance immediately!" "If needed, fully cooperate with all of Master Lee's commands!" "Until his revenge is complete, Greenhill City belongs to Master Lee!"
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