Part 4

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Cesilia had meticulously planned the event, and it was filled with joy. The sound of music blended with the laughter of the invited guests, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The attendees included entrepreneurs, models, and even A-list celebrities, both as MCs and guests. The atmosphere was lively, brimming with happiness. Every guest who arrived continuously congratulated Alexander and Cesilia on their sixth wedding anniversary. Amidst the well-wishes, prayers for the couple to have a child soon were also uttered. The most cherished gift desired by every married couple. "If you have a son, I will arrange for him to marry my little girl. She's incredibly beautiful and adorable." "We always pray for both of you to be blessed with a child." "Don't lose hope. Keep trying and praying; we believe that you will be entrusted with that blessing someday." Such additional prayers were commonly expressed by the guests. They sincerely hoped that Alexander and Cesilia would soon experience the same joy as them. Cesilia, who was not yet ready to have a child, simply smiled. Occasionally, she chuckled lightly to hide her discomfort with the prayers that she considered might bring misfortune. However, Alexander had a completely different reaction. He joined in the prayers offered by the guests for him and Cesilia, praying that Cesilia's heart would be touched and she would change her mind about having a child. How happy Alexander would be if Cesilia suddenly came to him and declared her readiness to embark on a pregnancy program so they could have a child soon. Alexander smiled faintly as he gazed at his wife, who was engrossed in a conversation with a colleague. She laughed freely, seemingly unburdened. Yet, before the event started, they had argued. Cesilia had threatened divorce if Alexander's mother continued to bring up the topic of having a child in front of her. The event had been going on for quite a while until the laughter that adorned the occasion was replaced with panic. The guests began asking what had happened, why, and who was involved when they saw one of the hosts' family members suddenly collapse. The ongoing event came to an immediate halt. "Mama, please... don't leave me!" Alexander pleaded relentlessly, carrying his mother, who had suddenly fainted. Swiftly, he rushed her to the nearest hospital to seek help. Alexander, who had grown desperate with his mother's desires, didn't know what else to do. His mother's wish to have a grandchild clashed with Cesilia, who was still occupied with her modeling career. If things continued like this, there would be no way out for them, as Alexander refused to marry again as a last resort to solve their problems. "Lex...!" Meri exclaimed as she began to open her eyes. Her lips curled up into a smile, directed at Alexander, who had been anxiously waiting for her to regain consciousness. "Mama scared me," Alexander responded quickly, reaching for his mother's hand and holding it tightly. "Don't get sick again, Ma. You're the only mother I have. After Cesilia, of course." "Unfortunately, I don't want to be your mother anymore. After hearing the decision you made, even though Cesilia has given you an opportunity. But what is the reality? It's so difficult for you to give me a grandchild." Meri brushed off Alexander's hand, which was holding hers. Meri felt hurt. Not having a child, not having a daughter-in-law, it was all the same. Stubborn and unwilling to comply with her requests. Which mother wouldn't feel heartbroken when she was being toyed with like this? At the beginning of their marriage, she had agreed to wait for one year until Cesilia's contract ended. After the contract expired, instead of keeping her promise, Cesilia accepted a new contract for the sake of her career to shine even brighter. The climax was during their sixth wedding anniversary. Cesilia promised to give him the gift of a pregnancy program. But what was the reality? A new two-year contract turned out to be the real gift. "I will never betray Cesilia, Ma," Alexander retorted, emphasizing each word he spoke. "I love her deeply, and I will remain faithful to her. So please, Mama, be patient once again. Waiting for another two years is not a long time, Ma." Meri snorted. "I never asked you to betray her. But to marry Casandra so that you can have a child. You can do it without love and stop when Casandra becomes pregnant. I don't think it's difficult, and it won't divide your love for her." Not willing to engage in further discussion or accept Alexander's reasoning, Meri raised one hand, causing Alexander to swallow his words. "Now you answer, whether you want to marry Casandra or not. If not, never see me again, and don't be surprised when you hear that Mama has died by suicide..." "Mom, please!" Alexander quickly interrupted, cutting off Meri before she finished her words that were pushing him further into a corner. It was painful to be threatened by Cesilia with divorce, but it was even more agonizing when the woman who brought him into the world threatened to commit suicide. "Isn't there any other way besides marrying Casandra?" Alexander whispered, struggling for breath. "What about IVF? Cesilia and I can simply rent a surrogate, without causing any harm to Casandra." Meri shook her head. "IVF requires a significant amount of money." She stared sharply at Alexander. "Not just the cost, but also the time. Waiting for each step of the process can take a long time. Unlike marrying Casandra, you and she could have a child quickly. It's not unlikely that she would get pregnant soon after marriage." Alexander smiled faintly, mocking the certainty expressed by Meri. "Do you think that if we marry, we will immediately have a child?" He shook his head. "No. I will continue to wait until God answers my prayers." "It's the same thing. But this way, no money will be wasted." Meri narrowed her eyes. "Marry again, or I will commit suicide?" "Mom..." Meri waved her hand dismissively. "Just go! I don't have a disobedient child like you!" "I beg you, please understand!" "Just go!" She yanked the IV tube connected to the back of her hand, causing fresh blood to flow from the needle mark. "You're not my child anymore!" Meri struggled as Alexander embraced her, trying to stop her from doing something drastic. "Let me go, you disobedient child!" Meri shouted, pushing and hitting Alexander with the remaining strength she had. "Let me go, Alexander!!" Meri cried. "My husband, come and get me. So I won't be hurt by our child and your spouse. Come and get me, my husband." Meri's sobs broke out, accompanied by words that touched Alexander's heart. His mother kept calling out to his father, who had left them a long time ago. "Don't you love me? So much so that you left and never came back? Leaving behind all the pain that I have to bear alone? You're cruel," she continued, her sobs filled with anguish. Alexander was taken aback. This was the second time he had witnessed his mother sobbing uncontrollably, ever since they lost their other half years ago. His chest felt tight, but he couldn't bring himself to accept the offer to remarry. "Let me go! I beg you, allow me to join my husband so that my suffering can finally end," Meri hoarsely pleaded, suppressing the bitter lump in her throat. "Let me go, so I won't be a burden to you." She gazed at Alexander, who still held her in his embrace, with a bewildered expression. "Yes, Mama. Yes!" Alexander asserted firmly. His eyes, now red and teary, began to shed clear drops. "I-I will marry Casandra. I will give you a grandchild." "Thank you." Meri immediately hugged Alexander, then cupped his cheeks, affectionately kissing them. It was as if she were a mother who knew her child had achieved top honors in class. Alexander merely nodded, forcing a smile despite the pain he felt. He had to keep his promise to Cesilia, to remain faithful until death. "Cesilia, forgive me," he whispered in his heart. "Casandra, come here!" Meri requested, as Casandra suddenly stood at the threshold of her hospital room. Meri was puzzled by Casandra's presence because it should have been Cesilia who came, not Casandra. The girl lowered her head, unable to meet Alexander's hardened gaze, filled with hatred towards her. Little did Casandra know that she herself was trapped in Cesilia's plan. "Casandra...," Meri called again, waving her hand, urging Casandra to come closer to her. However, Casandra's steps came to a halt because Alexander suddenly rose and approached her. He tightly gripped Casandra's arm, disregarding the pain she felt. "Please just do as my mother says if you don't want your life to suffer!" Alexander whispered in Casandra's ear, emphasizing each word that escaped his lips. Casandra was taken aback. Her face lifted, gazing at Alexander with a bewildered expression. From her melancholic gaze, Casandra wanted to convey that she had no intention of marrying an arrogant man like Alexander. But what could she do? All control was in Cesilia's hands, as she had traded her for a sum of money. "Why are you holding Casandra like that, Lex?" Meri asked, interrupting the gaze of hatred between Alexander and Casandra. "Instead of keeping her there, it's better to bring her here, because Mama wants to tell you something." She continued, a smile etched on her lips. "No need, Mom. I'm sure she already knows about Cesilia's plan, as she herself sold her dignity for a sum of money," Alexander snorted, his grip on Casandra's arm tightening. Casandra bit her lip, enduring the pain in her heart, which was far greater than Alexander's grip. "Tsk, be careful with your words," Meri hissed. "Mama said to bring Casandra here, yes, here, so Mama can announce that tomorrow is your wedding. It doesn't matter if it's simple, as long as it happens." "W-what, Mom?" Alexander turned to his mother. "Tomorrow?" "Yes, I don't want you and Casandra to change your minds," Meri replied nonchalantly, paying no attention to Casandra, who was now growing more terrified as she saw Alexander's piercing gaze directed at her. "Congratulations. You've successfully seduced my wife and my mother. Now you have to be prepared to face the hell in your life!" Alexander whispered, pressing Casandra further to deter her from Cesilia's insane plan. Instead of refusing and begging for forgiveness from Alexander, Casandra lifted her face. She flashed a smile at Alexander. "I will never back down. If necessary, we will get married tonight!" she retorted fiercely.
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