Part 50

2944 Words

The next morning, early in the morning, Casandra had already showered, smelled nice, and dressed neatly. Today, she planned to go to the field behind her house. The field belonged to her father. Casandra wanted to see how her father had been taking good care of it. It wasn't vast, just using the remaining land. There were parts of the field planted with papaya, and others with coffee. Along the edge of the field, many sengon trees grew, reaching the height of an adult person. This field was the only inheritance left by Casandra's grandfather. Her father had been taking care of it all this time, even without any help, even when he was sick. "Wow, the papayas will be ready for harvest soon," Casandra said with shining eyes as she entered the field wearing her boots. Casandra purposely wor

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