Part 9

1242 Words

"Alexander, how is it?" Meri hugged Casandra's shoulder as Alexander stood in front of them. Meri's smile widened, showcasing how proud she was of her daughter-in-law, who may not come from a wealthy family and has a significant age gap with Alexander, but Casandra's kind and polite personality and her way of speaking convinced Meri. It wasn't much, but Meri hoped that Casandra and Alexander would become a complete family with many successors. As for Cesilia... well, Meri didn't consider Cesilia much of a daughter-in-law, as the woman never considered Alexander her husband. "How is what?" Alexander loosened his tie, which had felt suffocating around his neck as soon as he saw Casandra. "I'm tired, Mom. Don't make it weird." "Who's making it weird? Mama was just asking, how is Casandra? I

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