Part 38

1427 Words

"Maxime, please. Just this once, give me ten minutes to talk to her. Besides, it's not like Alexander came here with Casandra. I'm sure he's here with his mom or his friends, enjoying the water park. There's no harm in him greeting his employer himself." "Yes, but..." "Please, just this once. Consider my wish, and show some respect for everything I've done. It's not that difficult to fulfill this one request, especially when you forbid me from talking to Alexander too much. This is Casandra, not Alexander." Cesilia emphasized once again, and Zayn finally allowed her to go. "Ten minutes, no more than that. If not, you'll see the consequences." "Fine." Cesilia walked away, quickly catching up to Casandra, who was quite far ahead. "Who did you come here with? Mama?" Cesilia asked quickly

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