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She never really thought things through. Overthought them, maybe, but she was more of an emotional thinker than a logical one. She'd been told multiple times before that common sense wasn't exactly her strong suit. Kelsey was 5'5, brunette, and a go-getter. At least, that's what people would say about her. In her own eyes she was an overly emotional, clingy, creative mess with a knack for attracting disaster, if not creating her own. Her eyes changed color just like her personality. She was like a walking contradiction; a living, breathing game of Russian Roulette. You never knew which side of her you were going to get. Did she let it stop her, though? Hell no! She kept on going no matter how hard it got, no matter what it took, no matter how many times she wanted to give up; quitting was not an option. Maybe that's why even she was shocked.... 9 months before She pulled some items out of the fridge preparing for their cookout later that evening. "Babe," she called to the other room. She smiled as Ezekiel came rushing into the room, excited. "They're on their way. Can you bring me the aluminum foil and seasonings, the barbeque sauce and the shrimp? I'm going to fire up the grill. All we need now is some music," he grinned, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. He sauntered into the living room and turned on his favorite song to start the playlist for the day. See, that was the thing about Zeke. When she was around him, she felt alive. He was so full of life, so spontaneous. Compared to her last relationship, it was a breath of fresh air. Hell, it was invigorating compared to most of her life. Finally, she felt free. Free to be herself, to fully enjoy life and the treasures and excitement it had to offer. With his sense of humour and giving nature, it was hard not to be happy. After prepping the food to be cooked, Kelsey walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath, staring straight into her eyes. Worry shone at her like a silver beacon. She noticed the frown lines creased upon her forehead, and tried to relax. She looked down as her hands began to shake. Balling them up into fists, she looked back up, determination setting in. "You can do this." Now was not the time to be weak. She had to be strong. Was she nervous? You could say that. Okay, maybe it was a bit of an understatement, but it wasn't like she didn't know the people she was about to be around. They needed her to be strong. Besides, she wouldn't be showing anyone the turmoil inside. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Smiling, she laughed inwardly. "Fake it 'til you make it," she said enthusiastically. She walked back out a different woman. "This is my weekend," she thought to herself. "I'll be damned if I let myself or anyone else ruin it for me."
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