Chapter 4

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Justin I couldn’t get this girl out of my head, and my Lycan Sebastian was bugging like never before. I was slowly losing control day by day. She had my mind in a fog and I knew nothing about her not even her damn name. "You would have her name if you wasn't so eager to f**k her" Sebastian said "Yea, I didn't hear any complaints from you" I shot back I always turn my hearing aids off when I leave work as I don’t like the buslting of the streets. My week has been hell and I really needed something or someone to take the edge off. I have been rather busy this week with work and my father on my back about this damn wedding. After work I went home got dressed and headed to the club. I really hoped I bumped into her tonight as my Lycan was going insane, and I was too. The moment I stepped in the club I smelled her and I instantly lost control when I saw her. Some guy was pulling her his way but I immediately made my way to her pulling her away from him and into the red room. She rocked my world last time and I wanted her again and again. She seemed kind of hesitant to join me but she eventually gave in. I escorted her to an empty room and passed her a note that said “you choose this time”. She seemed eager and happy to go and choose the items of her choice. She came back moments later with hand cuffs, a blindfold and a flogger. The first thing she tried to do was blindfold me but I grabbed her immediately and pulled her onto my lap. She shook her head and her finger no at me and got up. She hand cuffed my hands behind me so I couldn’t touch her, and then she blindfolded me. She paused for a minute and touched my ears, and now she knew that I was deaf by seeing my hear aids. After that nothing, I knew she was still in the room because I could smell her. After that Sebastian came to the forefront. “Why did you stop?” he asked her I can hear what goes on between my Lycan and anyone he is speaking with, but she remained silent. All of a sudden Sebastian broke free of the cuffs and removed the blindfold. She stood there with tears in her eyes just staring at me hurt and confused. “I said why did you stop?”Sebastian said again this time getting up She signed to me that I am deaf and how she felt stupid. “I’m not deaf” he said to her That’s when I took back control as I didn’t want to confuse her. I already started to see a change in her ever since I bit her. Well marked her. She was mine and I planned to keep her no matter what. I turned my hearing aids on to hear her beautiful voice again. She started to sign again but I grabbed her hands. “You can speak” I said to her She still didn’t say anything instead she ran out of the room. I ran after her but the security stepped in my way. They just didn’t know that I could rip them in two, but I didn’t want to show who I really was. I turned my hearing aids off and went to vip. “Hey Jus, I didn’t know you’d be here. I heard how your father was riding your back this week” Danny said through mind link as he greeted me I said nothing as that was not on my mind, she was. I wanted to know what she was thinking and how she felt. Thanks to Dean she had to be surprised by my deafness, and also confused by what I said. Now I was really angry and couldn't get what I wanted the most. By the smell I could tell that she was gone. I wanted to chase her so badly and just hold her. I wanted to do and say things I've never said or done before. That was highly unlikely of me especially with me not seeing the same woman twice. With her things felt different I felt things I've never felt before. Did things I've never done or even thought of. I wanted to experience so much with this woman it was driving me insane. "that's because she is our mate, you will feel things you haven't felt before even do things you've never done" Sebastian sighed "HELLO, earth to Justin" Danny yelled in front of me signing "what's up" I signed back "what's going on with you man ever since you sat down you've been in a daze" he signed concerned "I'm fine I just need to get out of here" I signed getting up "What, you just got here the club is packed with ladies which is unusual. Stay for a bit maybe your mood will lighten if you find a nice piece of ass" he signed grabbing my arm I didn't want to stay any longer and the piece I wanted wasn't here, and I wasn't about to find anything similar. "Aww look at what we have here" he said as three women joined us Three ladies stood in the smallest of small two pieces, and if you wanted more it was easy access. He grabbed two of them and sat down as I left. . . . . Two weeks went by and me and Sebastian was having it out. I missed her dearly and I didn't know what to do. I went to the club for a week straight hoping to see her, but in the end I heard she had quit. I couldn't really think straight and Sebastian was really getting on my nerves about finding her. I stayed at the office after that and buried myself in my work. I didn't take calls or see anyone not even my father who came barging into my office steaming. "Why the hell have you been avoiding my calls" he said as he pinned me to the wall "I'm busy" I signed He dropped me and I fell to the floor gasping for air. "You're getting married in three weeks there is no time to avoid me. Everything will go as planned as I said before" he said I got off the floor immediately "I'm not marrying whoever you have" "You don't have a choice everything is all set. After you two marry we will be the most powerful pack ever and you will go through with it or else" he said as he walked out. I knew what that meant and my father wasn't one to go against. There was nothing I could do. "Now go find her" Sebastian roared I really disliked when my lycan told me what to do but he was right. I immediately jumped on the phone calling my PI along with Danny. He frequented the club and I wanted to know if he knew her. . . One week passed and still nothing and things were coming down to the wire. My PI still hasn't found anything on her and I only knew her first name, and I found that out. Danny said he didn't know her and only seen her a few times but she never came to vip. Time was not my friend and I couldn't keep this up. I had to get my companies in order before I got married as I would be gone for a month. Getting married was a ritual for lycans especially for future kings. I've been at work since 5 visiting my companies, and I tried to visit more than two but they were in worst shape than I thought. I got one in order and now I was at Peter's office. He was good at being on top of things but his office still wasn't up to my standards. I toured the entire company looking at the wrongs and what needed to be done. I finally settled into Peter's office to talk with him. "How's it going Peter" I asked as I gave a him chance to explain He knew how I like things so I was giving a chance to explain. He sat back and loosened his tie and cleared his throat. "Thirsty, let me grab a coffee. Naomi grab me a coffee and a water and make it quick" he called out I didn't know who he was talking to but they better hurry up because no one was out there. A familiar smell hit me minutes later then I heard her voice. "Sorry sir I've been sick" she said sweetly "No excuses, now get out and wait for my call" he said in a harsh tone "Don't ever speak to her like that again" Sebastian roared before I could do or say anything. I took back control and stared back at a shocked Naomi. She quickly darted out the office. "That's how you talk to women especially your assistant. This is not over I will be back" If I didn't have to find her I'd have his head, and if I wasn't leaving I'd fire him. I didn't have time to find someone else on such short notice.
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