Chapter 7 - Natcha-kee-tawara-5

1966 Words

"Children—they are all children!" wailed Madame. "All children! And so, what will they do without their old gouvernante? My poor braves, what will they do without Kishwégin? It is too dreadful, too dre-eadful, yes. The poor Mr. May—so disappointed." "Then let him be disappointed," cried Alvina, as she forcibly tucked up Madame and made her lie still. "You are hard! You are a hard Englishwoman. All alike. All alike!" Madame subsided fretfully and weakly. Alvina moved softly about. And in a few minutes Madame was sleeping again. Alvina went downstairs. Mr. May was listening to Max, who was telling in German all about the White Prisoner scene. Mr. May had spent his boyhood in a German school. He c****d his head on one side, and, laying his hand on Max's arm, entertained him in odd German.

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