Chapter 6 - Houghton's last endeavour-4

1953 Words

"Oh I can't believe it, I can't." But now Mr. May had laid his detaining hand on James's arm. And now he was shaking his employer by the hand. And now James, in his cheap little cap, was smiling a formal farewell. And Mr. May, with a graceful wave of his grey-suede-gloved hand, was turning back to the Moon and Stars, strutting, whilst James was running home on tip-toe, in his natural hurry. Alvina hastily retreated, but Miss Pinnegar stood it out. James started as he nipped into the shop entrance, and found her confronting him. "Oh—Miss Pinnegar!" he said, and made to slip by her. "Who was that man?" she asked sharply, as if James were a child whom she could endure no more. "Eh? I beg your pardon?" said James, starting back. "Who was that man?" "Eh? Which man?" James was a little de

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