Chapter 5 - The beau-4

1942 Words

They did not find a great deal to talk about. She questioned him about his plans, and about the Cape. But save for bare outlines, which he gave readily enough, he was rather close. "What do you do on Sunday nights as a rule?" he asked her. "Oh, I have a walk with Lucy Grainger—or I go down to Hallam'sor go home," she answered. "You don't go walks with the fellows, then?" "Father would never have it," she replied. "What will he say now?" he asked, with self-satisfaction. "Goodness knows!" she laughed. "Goodness usually does," he answered archly. When they came to the rather stumbly railway, he said: "Won't you take my arm?"—offering her the said member. "Oh, I'm all right," she said. "Thanks," "Go on," he said, pressing a little nearer to her, and offering his arm. "There's nothing

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