Chapter 8 - Ciccio-4

1949 Words

"I should love to be one of the Natcha-Kee-Tawaras," said Alvina. "Yes—well—why not? Why not become one? Why not? What you say, Ciccio? You can play the piano, perhaps do other things. Perhaps better than Kishwégin. What you say, Ciccio, should she not join us? Is she not one of us?" He smiled and showed his teeth but did not answer. "Well, what is it? Say then? Shall she not?" "Yes," said Ciccio, unwilling to commit himself. "Yes, so I say! So I say. Quite a good idea! We will think of it, and speak perhaps to your father, and you shall come! Yes." So the two women returned to Woodhouse by the tram-car, while Ciccio rode home on his bicycle. It was surprising how little Madame and Alvina found to say to one another. Madame effected the reunion of her troupe, and all seemed pretty m

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