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A room with only a television set and three modified speaker is a set of ownership owned by Farouk. The TV tunned at a local tv station. Newscaster: Killing are now alarming in the slams of kibera after weeks since the incident where Blacky a one named police with hidden identity killed three youths on the burial of one Khalil the notorious Sita mbili gung leader. Farouk: Hey. how are thing going on big dawg. Roro: We still surviving men!. this snitch got things f****d up. Men I'm on the run like every then. You should come and help the hood. We need you men! Farouk : There's only one thing gone make me come there. Is popping that son of a b***h that gave an early rest to my lil bro... Newscaster: (Breaking news) Two Sita Mbili gung leaders murdered on live camera with a message 'Run they ain't no jail for your a*s' that's our latest update on CRIME RHYME... Farouk: Who this nigga think he is? Roro: This is bullshit. we've heard enough of him....( Mdavo rushing through the front door) Mdavo: Yo you've heard? Roro: Yeah the threat thing? Mdavo: No. not that something interesting. Gazza sworn in G as their new leader and he just posted on social media 'it's a war you want? You have it'. (quickly turning the tv back on) NEWSCASTER : Tension in kibera as police and gung have now made the war official. It is reported that more are flying from their homes because rumours say that the is going to be a deadliest raid that might affect alot. black.
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