Mickey couldn’t rest as the minutes passed by. What happened earlier was something he couldn’t just let go of and forget. “Damn…” he grittily muttered, brushing his face with his hands. He knew that even Lexi didn’t say anything about it, she was upset with what he did. Lexi must understand that he didn’t respond to the kiss and didn’t expect Krissa would take advantage. Mickey and Krissa may have had talked about their lives last night. He never mentioned Lexi nor much of Miggy much at her. All he did was listen to the lady about her adventures, and that was all. He began to regret not telling her his life. That would’ve to stop Krissa from assuming he wasn’t in a relationship. “f**k!” Mickey huffed, slumping his back against the chair. He tipped his head and gave his mind a rest. Afte