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CHAPTER SIX “When did Rose get out? Wasn’t she supposed to be in jail for about three more years now?” Nick questioned.   “Two years now she has been out,” and my life could never have taken a turn for the worst.   I watch the two of them walk towards me as I faked a smile while trying to subdue the anger building up inside me. Either he was trying my patience or he just didn’t care about my feelings.   “Look who finally crawled out of his hole?” Rose questioned, looking at Nick. The lady could barely stand straight to her feet and had to lean on Andrew much to my annoyance.   “Wow, you’ll never change Rose. I really do hope that one day Karma strikes you so hard,”   “Enough with that Nick,” Andrew came to Rose’s rescue and I had to bite down my tongue before I spoke something that could tarnish my fiancée’s reputation. I had to remember he was still my young son’s father.               “You look pretty. Now I see why Andrew had the audacity to dump me just before our wedding for you,” Rose giggled drunkenly. Weeks ago, that would have hurt but now, nothing she said made me feel even a tiny bit of guilt. My attention was however not really on her as I glared at Andrew.   “Can I talk to you?” I asked him.   “Now? Let me just take father and Rose home and we can talk when you are out of work tomorrow. How about that? Sounds pretty cool, huh?” He smiled as though he had no damn clue of what he had done. Was it not enough that he was with her at a party he never informed me about that he had to drag her here and flaunt her right on my face?   “Of course,” I replied, faking a sweet smile and thankfully, right at the same time, I spotted Devon coming into the club, dressed casually in dark jeans and a black leather coat.   I waved at him to gain his attention and he raised his thump when he saw me gesturing at him.   “Lana,” He hugged me and for a moment, I wanted to remain there but I was not going to do that. The last thing I’d want is to send the wrong signals, especially knowing that Andrew knew of my previous affection for his brother. Truthfully speaking, I’d seen how he treats his wife and Vivian had to be one lucky woman.   “It’s so nice to see you again Nick,” he guy-hugged Nick, a look of genuine happiness showing on his features.   “Its good to be back,”   He then turned to his brother but never bothered offering him any greetings. Did the two of them have a fight again? Ever since their parents divorced, there had been a little drift bet6ween them with Andrew always taking his father’s side while Devon was always fighting for his mother.   “How about me? Am I not getting a hug Devon?” Rose slurred before burping.   “I do not want to sound disrespectful but everyone may have seem to forgive you for trying to kill my nephew before he was even born but not me Rose. If I were you I would steer clear of me because we both know, I don’t tolerate bugs that could bite me anytime,” Wow, someone at least understood the pain of almost losing a child.   “What is he doing here Lana?” Andrew questioned, making the hardness in his tone hard to miss.   “Well, after I called you and realized you were apparently too busy partying with Rose, I called him to come pick your father up. Come on Devon,” I motioned for him to follow me but not before Andrew suddenly grabbed my hand, jerking me towards him rather violently.   “This is not over baby,” he whispered rather violently before storming off with his new drunk hang out partner. Seconds trickled by as I stood completely numbed by the tremors rushing through my body. The venom in his voice had scared me shitless. This had to be the first time he had to me like that and what for? For Rose? Shaking off the daze, I pulled up a smile and motioned for Devon to follow me.   “You know for someone who had not known my father, they would easily believe he was heartbroken,” Devon muttered, changing my focus from Andrew to his father.   He tapped him twice really hard on his head before the old man stirred back to life. When his gaze fell on Devon, an angry look pasted on his face.   “What is he doing here?” He still had not forgiven him for making him divorce his wife.   “What do you think dad? To drive your drunk ass home,” he attempted to pull the older man into a standing position.   “I hate you Lana for this,” Kim mumbled drunkenly as Devon dragged him out. Thankfully he had not caused a commotion this time. I was about to turn and walk to my office when Nick spoke. I had completely forgotten he was still here.   “Is everything really okay, Lana?” He questioned, his hard gaze full of concern boring down on me.   “Of course. Why do you keep asking me that?” I asked with a half-smile, walking past him with him hot on my heels.   “Because clearly something is wrong but knowing you, you’d never admit it. As your friend, I’m begging you, please tell me what is going on,” he followed me to my office.   “Nick, nothing is wrong, okay?” I spoke, trying to convince him I was just fine when I was really not.   “So you are okay with your fiancée hanging out with his ex who tried to kill you and almost killed me too?” He questioned and I had to shut my eyes briefly so the anger would not show on my face. This was a matter between Andrew and I and I hoped that somehow we would soon find a solution to it.
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