Bubble Bath

1956 Words

I sang along with the lyrics of some random song, while sitting on the hot tub - almost in a mountain of bubbles. The lights were down, yet there was enough moonlight passing through the window. I was feeling fully flushed, all I needed was just a relaxing bubble bath after this exhausting day. My hair was in a messy bun as I didn't find any time to take care of them. Also, I didn't find that having a bubble bath at two am in the morning is wrong. Cause I think, it's nothing more than just a help to release stress. I rested my head back and closed my eyes peacefully. Relaxation was washing me over and I slowly was enjoying the beautiful sound of water. With my lips softly humming a song, I tried to drift into a deep sleep. Until, I was interrupted. "You in there?" A knock on the door

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