Chapter 8-3

1988 Words

“You know what it’s like. Everything was nothing. When I woke up I was alone inside an abandoned house, poked awake by the streams of moonlight peering in through the mud-caked window. Once I was awake I could feel my human body dying, and I didn’t understand the extrasensory perception I suddenly had. I was crazed with hunger, and it was instinct that told me how to feed myself. It took some time to realize that I was unnatural somehow, but I didn’t know what I was and I was frightened of myself. There was no one to teach me how to live this way because the man had disappeared.” “He left you alone the way the one who turned me left me alone,” Timothy said. “That’s when Howard found me.” “That’s right,” James said. “The man didn’t even stay around until I woke up. I had to figure everyth

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