The right shoes

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After my enlightened moment in the rain, Lycaon and I discussed strategies of how best to handle the Red River Pack. As the first of three Packs, it was crucial to secure them. With a power struggle ramping up we were to quash any and all aggressions old or new. ‘Two hours north of here’ he answered. I had asked so many questions about Red River in preparation, it’s location being the last. I had never encountered another pack before. As young pups we learnt about them under a heavily biased influence. That they were unruly and feral and they did not mate to the bond but the parents arranged marriages for their pups early on. All exaggerated to make the Arcadian Pack seem superior I’m sure! I raided my new closet for warmer clothing in preparation for the colder weather of the north, sweaters, boots, scarves, a long dress, I grabbed everything! We were to spend just two nights but I must have packed at least a weeks worth of outfits. I had to be ready for any situation. The hardest part was making sure they were clothes I would be taken seriously in, especially as the power struggle was because the Alphas daughter was a woman! The car ride was quiet, I had never left the boundary of our hometown before. I built an image in my head of a big obstacle like the Berlin Wall was segregating us from the rest of the world. Silly as it sounds, as children, especially female, we were ingrained in the notion that the pack was our safe haven and we were never to stray or there would be consequences. Especially as a young teen and losing my father, it frightened me, the thought that beyond this imaginary wall would be monsters and savage beasts. Does this count as straying if uniting the three rivalling packs was a sign of moving forward and leaving my safety net with a new purpose? I took in the scenery from the window, waiting for a clear boundary to appear but nothing was there. The trees became fewer and the land more open. It was just nature in all its glory with not a soul in sight. Mountains lined the furthest part of the backdrop surrounded by whispy clouds breaking the clear pallet of the soft blue sky. We turned down a tiny road that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Just a mound of rocks in various sizes with a white arrow painted on the largest to notion our direction. The long track had these rock mound markers every mile. Individually they looked as though they were meant to be there but seeing so many of them was bizarre and out of place. We approached what must have been the tenth rock mount when I could finally see civilisation again. An elderly group of women stood open mouthed at our big black SUV entering their territory, holding each others hands in either shock or fear or both, it was hard to tell. Puzzled I turned to Lycaon ‘Are they not expecting us?’. ‘Not the common folk, just the council.’ He replied. I didn’t want our arrival to ignite fear into these people. It was so far from our goal but we are foreign to them and if they haven’t been told about our arrival I guess they will have questions of their own. Who we are and what we wanted from them being top of the list. We pulled up to a large building with Ivy lined steps leading to giant carved wooden double doors. Lycaon got out first before moving around to my side of the vehicle. Taking my hand like a true gentleman he helped me from the car. It’s a good job he did. The black boots I had chosen had a super high heel and stretched over the tops of my knees. They met the hem of my knitted form fitting cream dress and were not in the slightest the most practical. My footwear has always paved the way in how I see myself. One of Luna Maes little nuggets of wisdom would always replay in my mind ‘Darling if you want to walk tall and feel confident, you wear the right shoes to get you there! You don’t see dancers and athletes in sub par footwear darling!’ It made me smile as I unlocked the memory of her waving her hands regally in the air in her delivery. It reminded me to channel her boss woman attitude. Stepping up to the doors I could see the detailing of the entrance far clearer. The right door had male figures that seemed to be dancing on the left door Wolves bowed down, and across both doors between the characters, a large fire with an open winged bird emerging from it, it was weathered and old and most likely hand carved, it was stunning. Before we could knock the doors opened revealing a man with long black hair pulled back into a braid. He nodded to Lycaon and then to me and gestured for us to follow him. We did so silently. The first thing I noticed was the native decor in which the wide open hall had hangings of embroidery adorning the walls depicting battles, marriages, births. They were beautiful. We then entered a large office where the man sat us down across a thick hand carved desk. He took a seat behind it, placed his elbows onto the table and clapped his hands together ‘Where do we begin?’ He stated. Looking to me he reached for my hand to introduce himself. ‘My name is Alpha Qualia, welcome to the Pack of Red River. We are blessed to have you’ he placed a kiss on the back of my hand and returned his attention to Lycaon. ‘Alpha Qualia, your pack is in disarray. I am hoping the matter we have discussed is to your satisfaction?’ Lycaon voice was serious, like a cold hard businessman they bounced ideas and options amongst themselves as I looked aimlessly around the office. It was similar to Alpha Sloans, especially all all of the books that lined the shelves behind his desk. Though my eyes were distracted, my ears were not. ‘So it is settled, this evening we shall hold a dinner in your honour, we can present the idea of an alliance to our council.’ Projected Alpha Qualia rising from his leather office chair with confidence. ‘Now please allow me to show you to our finest guest room, I will have someone bring up your bags.’ I looked through narrowed eyes at Lycaon. An alliance? He said he wanted unity! As we made our way up the grand staircase, I couldn’t help but take in the atmosphere of the building, history oozed from its walls and I was so curious as to what this pack is truly about. Our room was filled with homely touches. There was a small fireplace, fur rug and four poster bed draped with white voiles. ‘I will leave you to get comfortable, dinner will be in the main hall for 7.30pm’ ‘Thank you for your kindness Alpha Qualia’ I replied honestly, your home is beautiful, will your daughter be joining us? I would love to meet her as we have much to discuss.’ ‘Unfortunately I can not guarantee her presence, she is newly mated so is with her betrothed at the moment.’ He seemed genuinely happy for her. ‘She hasn’t been herself since she turned 18 a few weeks ago, so to be mated makes me overjoyed considering she didn’t have..’ he stopped. Like he’s said something he shouldn’t. ‘Anyway I hope she does come! Good day to you both.’ As he turned on his heels to leave I had to ask one more question. ‘Your daughter, what is her name?’ He looked me in the eyes and smiled with pride. ‘Her name is Eris’
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