Chapter 54: The power of light

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Hakan then started her second ritual and sacrificed the dead bodies to make a contract with the real infinity demon. A hole suddenly opens in the sky and then fell a demon. The infinity demon appeared. “Just as per contract, I’ve come with thousands of souls with the angel in hell. My request gives me the power to kill Hanayuki Ai.” Hakan requested. The infinity demon then gets a marble-like gem and fed it to Hakan. “A part of the infinity demon.” Hakan gladly takes the marble and swallows it a whole. By swallowing the part of the infinity demon Hakan gain the infinite power she always wanted. … Yusael stared at the demon whose slowly walking in her direction, She stood up and walked in the direction of the demon. They stop walking and then look at each other's eyes. Yusael constructed a spear of light from her holy light magic and struck it toward the flaming demon. The Flaming demon burned Yusael’s right hand. “The hell demon doesn’t have any weakness in hell. What should I do now.” Yusael said and then use healing magic to heal her burned hand. After healing, she then continues to attack the demon with her holy light magic. The hell demon then created a flaming sword and then struck it to Yusael’s body. The flaming sword burned Yusael to coal. The flaming demon became silent. “That sword is like Ren’s sword. It has the power of undying flames. Looks like that sword of his is from hell.” The hell demon was surprised after seeing Yusael alive. The hell demon turns around and looks at Yusael. Yusael started to bleed suddenly and started to release blood from her eyes, nose, and mouth. She then fell unconscious. A special hole opened and blood started to flow from it. “That Hell demon is inviting me to save Yusael.” Hanayuki Ai said. “Hanayuki do not come over there.” Chrome muttered. “Chrome… Use your time and space magic to summon me in hell.” Chrome can’t disobey Hanayuki and said: “Understood.” A magic circle appeared beneath Hanayuki Ai. In a glimpse of an eye, Hanayuki was suddenly transported to hell. The hell demon immediately places its hand in front of him and attacks Hanayuki with force. Hanayuki did the same thing. Their force collides and pushes each other. Hanayuki’s fingers were then turned broken. Meanwhile, the hell demon loses his both arms. She then averted her eyes to Yusael that seems to be dying in front of her. Hanayuki then walked to Yusael, but the hell demon regenerated himself and attack Hanayuki again with force. Hanayuki tried to stop the force power but this time it’s much powerful than before. Hanayuki’s right arm was bend and twisted. Th hell demon then makes a flaming sword and struck it at Hanayuki Ai. Hanayuki manages to touch Yusael’s head and said: “Devil of hell, I’ll offer you my everything. So please. Return us all.” Hanayuki was stuck by the flaming sword and after that Yusael and Hanayuki, Ai returned to the overworld. Hakan then gets the power of infinity demon and transformed into her demon form. “So this is it, this is the power of infinity demon. Impressive, I’m understanding everything now…” Hakan saw Yusael and Hanayuki Ai back and jump in their direction. “... I’ll see you first Yusael.” “Hello, Infinity demon.” Yusael heals Hanayuki Ai’s wounds and placed her on the ground. “You ate the part of the infinity demon, You’ve to gain infinity power for a short time.” Yusael said. “Yusael you’re dream of a peaceful world in this fake world will end here.” “Hanayuki Ai this time I’m going to save you.” Yusael activated her angel form and in her hand is a divine weapon from gods. “Sky Sanctuaries heavenly spear.” Yusael, fight back. ... Two of the other red robe terrorist came and see the disaster happening in the city of Asakusa. A smart-looking man named Kite and an old man with a long sniper in his hand named Hawkei. “Looks like Yusael’s objective is not to protect this person after all. For security details, it was too many conspicuous people. Plus, those high-rank adventurers hire by Zeno are all third-rate assassins.” Kite said. “If those adventurers are third rate, then that makes me a fourth rate.” Hawkei replied and get one cigarette from his pocket. “Even a first-rate assassin can’t defeat aging. Princess Yusael and infinity demon are both making moves for some other objectives that we don’t know about. Not that it matters to as long as General is paying me.” “Are you sure Zeno is not listening?” “It’s safe here, The stalker Glenn already confirmed that when I asked him to investigate prince Zeno.” “Be careful about sticking your nose where it doest belong kid.” “I don’t have time to do that. I have an exam coming up.” “Yeah, you're still in school aren’t ya.” Going back to Yusael and Hakan. Hakan quickly mastered the power of infinity and started using her power in different elements. But still, because of Yusael’s light speed, Hakan can’t catch up and get cut by Yusael’s heavenly spear. Hakan uses her infinity and boosted her own body to reach Yusael. She then punches Yusael down from the rooftop to the basement of the building. Yusael stands up. “Magnificent, look at me. Using the power of infinity. I can instantly heal my wounds.” Hakan jumps down to the basement to pursue Yusael. Thousand of light spears then pierced Hakan’s body. Hakan was destroyed for a moment but regenerated after that. “It’s an honor to meet the human, who was known to be the first resident of this world.” Hakan muttered. Thousand light spears were then blasted to her again. “That tickles. You should know that your attack is useless.” Hakan then uses her power to revive the zombies and bring them back to life. The zombies became human again. They started to cry and jump in joy. But Hakan uses her puppeteer ability and control their body. “For an angel, can you kill these humans?” “Yikes…” Yusael looks at the humans. The humans started to have sword-like arms and their bodies started to move on their own. “Huh? My arm?” “What’s happening?” “I still have a child to see.” “My body is moving on its own!” The crowd of humans started to run toward Yusael in an attempt to kill her. “Can you kill this human once again?” “Come one, this looks like the move the supervillains use in the manga.” Yusael makes a fighting stance and calms herself. “Can you kill them?” Hakan asked. “Holy light magic: Light sword of judgment!” She made thousand of light swords and kill every human in front of her without hesitation. Hakan was very surprised by Yusael’s move and stunned. “You’re more like a demon than an angel.” “I already use to it… Killing humans.” Yusael replied. Hakan accelerated herself and grabbed Yusael’s body. Yusael didn’t expect it because She is currently moving at the speed of light. “My infinity reaches your speed… I’ve finally caught you.” Yusael cut Hakan’s arms to release herself from being caught. The night is approaching and the battle between Yusael and Hakan continues. Hakan started to get worried. She knows that her infinity power has its limit. So she decided to finish Yusael and kill Hanayuki Ai afterward. Hakan's body regenerated and She immediately transforms her hand into swords to slice Yusael. Yusael dodge and Hakan accidentally cut a car nearby. The gasoline of the car leak and exploded afterward. “This battle is taking so long I wanted to have a good night's sleep.” Yusael said and heal her burn. “This battle won’t stop until I kill you and Hanayuki.” Yusael’s angel form became brighter and her wing became bigger. She then empowered her heavenly spear with her magic. “This is the power of light.” Yusael flew toward Hakan and thrust her spear to Hakan’s body. Yusael pushed her to the wall. “Hot! This light magic started to hurt me. It burns! It Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnsss!!” Hakan was screaming in pain. Hakan kicks Yusael away and heals herself. “Even after increasing my intelligence through the power of infinity. I still can’t comprehend the behavior of such an idiot.” “I’m not an i***t! I read books every day.” Hakan then noticed that a light whip was wrapped around her body. “When did this light whip wrap me?” Yusael then attacks Hakan with her spear. “You’re regeneration is going slower and slower. Looks like time limit is coming.” Yusael continuously attacks. Hakan kicks Yusael away and uses her infinity magic to lift some debris and launched it to Yusael. After the debris, she lifted the cars in the area and curl them to Yusael. The cars then exploded. Ka-Boom! “A fitting death for someone like you who accepted living in this fake world. Burn and die as you are…” Hakan muttered and turn her back. Yusael fights back and continuously heal herself with her light magic. Hakan already knows it. Fighting against someone who has 9,999,999 magical aptitudes is a very hard tax. Especially if the user already masters how to use it. “...That cheat-like power given by the creators… You're still going, princess…” Hakan made puppets then attack Yusael with them. “Please just die already. I’ll make sure you will meet Hanayuki soon enough.” The light whip wrap around Hakan was then pulled. Yusael is giving all her strength in pulling the light whip. “You're pulling me in with her own strength…” Hakan then gets another car and throws it to Yusael. The car exploded and burn the puppets with Yusael. “Now die.” “No way! No way I’m dying here!” “Now I don’t understand is why you're not dying. Why won’t you die It’s frightening.” “Everyone ganging up to kill me is all fine but If Hanayuki dies!! Then I can’t hug her anymore!!” Yusael uses her full strength and pulls the light whip. Hakan lost her infinity power and get dragged easily. “Die!” Yusael thrust her spear in full power. Hakan's body was holed and her internal organs were burst out from her body. Hakan’s body started to burn and Yusael walked toward her. Yusael then healed her burn and turn her flawless body back. “You're still alive?” “I’m still alive, I can just go to my other body. I understand now. I can transfer my soul to another puppet and go back and fight you again.” “If you’re going to fight me go on weekdays, I have weakened off.” “You’re fearless. Every single day, be it your family, you're a friend and your lover. Anyone you meet could turn into my puppet and kill you. Can you live a life constantly stalked by death?” “Go on and use my imagination. I’m the angel of this world. As the guardian of this world, I will destroy your soul here and now. So that it won’t trouble me someday.” Yusael opens a hole in Hakan’s chest and she grabbed her soul. Just like that Yusael squashed Hakan’s soul. “I bring the peace in this kingdom, but I can’t say that I win this battle.” Yusael looks to the city that was destroyed because of the battle. Hakan’s body was then burned into ashes.
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