Chapter 42: Start of new battle

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On the country pearl. The minister of the kingdom predicted that the vessel of the witch will be born in the small town. The minister gives the knights in a red robe a mission to kill every girl in the town. That includes Hikari in my memories, but the story tells that before General reached the last town. The town of Ram the town where I was living with Hikari. Generally, find out the truth. The nobles are just using them as a tool for evil deeds. The minister fooled and every life in the fiery night was sacrifice just to make a certain magical weapon. The story of the witch destroying everything is wrong. It's just a made-up story. General tried to stop his men but its too late. Generals corrupted commander and people started to move and destroy the town. Killing everyone with no mercy. That includes Hikari, the one that stabs Hikari back then was not General. the one that stabs Hikari with his sword is the king. King of arsland. King Arthur. "Sacrifice is needed..." The king said to General. General started to think back on everything he did and the missions they did. The innocent people screaming for help and them being the face of evil. General then gives up the sword. The sword of flames given by the kingdom and give it to me instead. "When you are ready, you can have my head..." Say the general to me and get Hikari's body. After that tragedy, General started a terrorist group that opposes the kingdom and stops the noble's evil doing. The knights of the red robe are then called the red robe terrorist. The terrorist is born with new members and ideas. But some of the lost members of the red robe knights. The corrupted old members started using the red robes name in evil. Those lost members are the people I hunted all these years. Without knowing, it feels like I help them. Reading these documents I started to have a grab of what's happening. The thing I thought is not what it really was. "Beyond these lost members, the real red robe is there fighting evil. That's why commanders of the red robe are all over the country. They also hunt these evil lost members... Their real intention is to bring peace in this continent and stop the evil nobles in the kingdom of Arsland." I muttered and remembers Hikari. Back in the days. We are reading tales about heroes. It's the tale that inspired Hikari to travel around the world. "I will travel and defeat evil like the heroes." Hikari said when she was a kid. Those fun memories. I guess, she joined the red robe terrorist to repay the General kindness to her. Also, to stop the evils that destroy our kingdom. In the end, Scarlet's goal and the general's goal are not much different from each other. Maybe it's because General hated the nobles like Scarlet. "General's name... This is something I wanted to know all this time... General Jin Vermillion." Jin Vermillion the name of the man I hate all these years. After finding out the truth I think that hate faded slowly. ... Currently, I was walking around the city of Celest and find out how peaceful it was. Kids playing around. Adults working hard and adventurers everywhere. I'm also an adventurer but I nearly never do something like missions from the guild. I started to look around and look for the city guild. The guild is the place where normal adventurers normally go. Missions with different classes are posted in the guild. Like in Stella city the guild is normally built with a bar. This way adventurers can also relax and rest here. I'm an S-class adventurer and Exceeder paladin ranked. My stats are in 100,000 everywhere that's thanks to the battle I went through these past days. "Still, seeing Hanayuki's stats is mind-blowing. I feel really weak. Just what is the world is 9,999,999 stats? Not only that, but Melida is also the same." I said with a tone of jealousy. If I was stronger I think I can protect Hikari more. As I walked around, I finally reached the city guild. It's bigger than the guild in Stella town and much more modern looking. Looks like a building than a regular old fashion guild. I wonder how much money Scarlet used to build this. Before I enter the guild someone greeted me. "Hello! It's been a while." She has long hair and more beautiful armor and face. Colors in her fingernails and I can't recognize her. "A pretty girl? Is this the result of me saving lots of people? Am I started to become more popular with girls? Is popularity strike me?" "What are you saying? Thanks for complimenting me as pretty... Don't you recognize me?" "Sorry, but Hikari is the girl in my heart." "Are you listening?! For god sake, it's me Gila... The former dragoon squad." She said and put her face close to mine. Looking closely, she really resembles Gila. To think that she is more beautiful with long hair and more female-like armor is quite awesome. I never recognize him. I mean, her at the first glance. Normally she looks like a pretty man in armor. It's been a month and that time make her hair grow. After that meeting, we enter the guild. "Ehhh?" … As we enter the guild. Adventurers and some others. Encircled Gila and offered her flowers. "Gila, marry me!" "What are you saying? Gila is mine!" "I'm the top adventurer in this guild. it's normal to have Gila in my hands. We're going tore build back the legacy of the dragoons with our future children." The adventurer said as they fight over Gila. "Just how many children did he want me to produce?!" Said Gila in a shocked expression. "If it's building a dragoon squad, maybe 15 children is enough." I replied. "Ren, you are not helping? Also, I never think that you're also dumb." "Eh?!" With the noise adventurers made by the adventurers. Gila snapped and release an angry aura and grabbing her sword. "Hey, pigs get out of my way." Said Gila. The adventurers pull their composure and just leave Gila alone. But instead of being scared of Gila. These adventurers are just masochists. Leaving us alone. Gila and I seat at a table and call the waiter for orders. The waiter then gives me the menu and as I open it. I saw this big fried chicken meal. It's at a limited discount and free extra popping hot rice. "Hanayuki will be happy if she saw this..." I muttered. "Hanayuki, where is Hanayuki?" "She went on a journey with her friend Melida. She said she will climb the heavens gate." I said while looking at the menu. Gila was surprised and grab my collar. She then lifts me and scolded me. "Why did you let Hanayuki go there?! Heaven's Gate is a dangerous place you know!" "Heaven's gate, I don't really know what is that place. Just let me go I can't breathe." "Sorry... I lost myself for the moment. Said Gila and let me go. Her expression is really worried to Hanayuki. She really is the type of person that cares about friends. Since I don't know anything about the heavens gate. Gila explained to me the things about it and why this heaven's gate is the most dangerous dungeon in the world. "No one who goes inside, go out alive." Gila said. That shocked me and started to become worried about Hanayuki. I stare at the fried chicken meal and remember her innocent childish smile. Hanayuki was maybe powerful but that place may be too dangerous to conquered. Then, in few moments I smiled and said: "Hanyuki is a very strong little girl. I don't believe her being killed that easily." I replied to Gila in a calm tone. Hanayuki optimistic vision and miracles that she presented to everyone. Her incredible power and magic. The possibility of her leaving that place alive is pretty much higher than anyone. "You have a point... When I first met Hanayuki. Hanayuki kicked a huge beast. I can't believe it when she did it. With her little body, she can perform such an act. Her talent in magic is very envious." "I totally envy Hanayuki's power... Still, in Hanayuki's heart, I feel her innocence and she is still a kid. I'm totally glad that a person with such power is not fallen to the evil path." If someone like Hanayuki became evil. The world will definitely meet its end. I ordered my one fried chicken meal same with Gila. This reminds me a lot of Hanayuki. If Hanayuki is here. She will munch this fried chicken down in a second. It makes me feel happy for a moment reminding myself of happy memories of Hanayuki. "What is your plan in going here? I bet you're not here to eat." Asked Gila. "That's right, I'm planning on taking a quest. I'm planning to train myself and became stronger. Also, I'm on my way to finding my new path." After that, I explain the things that happened to Steel Island. The time I find out the truth about my childhood friend Hikari and the red robe terrorist. I didn't mention Lucas in steel Island. I think it's a sensitive topic for Gila. Lucas killed lots of dragoon members after all. My vision of General Jin vermillion is not that good at all. General Jin vermillion's plan to take down the nobles in the kingdom is cruel. Red robe terrorists attacked anyone that connect the nobles and the people that will become an obstacle in their plan. Red robe terrorist is not attacking the Celst city maybe because General know that Scarlet is also against the noble's. They have the same goal, but Scarlet and General's execution is so different. We ate happily in the guild and after that, we parted our ways. Gila is currently with her new party members and going on a quest. Gila invited me to join them. I refused because I wanted to go alone to find myself. Gila understands my point and leaves with a smile. I walked toward the bulletin board in the guild containing the quest available for today. I never saw the S-rank quest for today so I have no choice but to get the highest quest available. The quest I took is a b-class quest. It's about defeating bandits that thief the merchant's going to  Hoku city. Hoku city is a city before the capital city or Grandbell city. With the money, I received from Scarlet in helping the Integrity Knights. I buy a new broom and store it inside a magic card. Also some potion just in case I lost my magic. I have no problem with skill and energy because I'm a half-vampire. My energy restoration is faster than a normal human being. With the broom I bought. I fly at high speed, blasting the clouds and making waves in the ocean. "The wind feels nice! Oh! his trail... According to the map, this is the rail where the bandits came to attack the merchant." As I look below the clouds. I saw a suspicious character lurking around the trail. In the time they saw the merchant carriage. These bandits jump out like a predator waiting for its prey. "Troops attack the rich merchants!" They are about a hundred bandits and the carriage of the 12 merchants will be attacked. "Fire magic: Fireball!" "Water magic: Water slicer!" "Barrier!" Some adventurers inside the carriage immediately protected the merchants, but their power is not enough. From the sky, I go down with a blasting sound. "Who is this man?!" "A man from the sky!" "Adventurer?" The bandits muttered. The moment they were caught by my presence. I immediately move and attacked them each with my fist. Knocking all of them down. "It's been a while since I used my fist in a battle." I said. "Sir behind you!" "You're now a pancake! Stone hammer smash!" Behind me, A giant guy appeared and used a skill to attack me. I pulled my sword and blocked the hammer. the force of the clash of our weapon makes a heavy wind. "What's wrong with you're body?! Where is this inhumane strength coming from." The giant bandit said. "This strength is not enough, compare to Hanayuki..." I replied and pushed him and used the handle of my sword the knock him down. After beating them all, I make a sigh and the merchant was delighted. "Amazing! he beat them all down!" "Judging you're movements, don't tell me you're an S-class adventurer." A few moments later, I guided this merchant toward the Hoku city gate and advice them to rent an A-rank adventurer next time they travel. They give me my reward. The cycle of going to mission and traveling became my daily routine. I started helping people more and act more like a regular adventurer. Going on a normal quest like hunting, finding, slaying monsters, and others. ... Meanwhile in the capital city or Grandbell city, Noble's gather in a house. Pleasuring themselves with fine alcohol, food, and entertainment. "Have you heard the news already? Your plan to make a powerful demon in form of Ziggy failed." The man who just talks are man is one of the high nobles in the kingdom. His the third prince and currently the fiance of Yusael. His name is Zeno Vermillion. This appearance is very prince-like. His blonde hair and angel-like face are too beautiful compare to others. "Zeno-sama, I know that's a sensitive topic but don't talk to Mino-dono with that tone. It's kinda embarrassing but it hurts his feelings... Hahahahaha" The minister of the kingdom named Rogan. A man in old age. Wearing armor and a face of a warrior. The one in charge of giving the special knights mission. "Rogan-sama, your laugh is much more infuriating... My plan and experiment failed for Ziggy. But I have another plan in making a powerful demon. This demon is currently stored in Hoku city. Under the abandoned house of mine... I promise you that I will give the kingdom the terror that will mark their heads." Mino said. Mino is one of the noble of the same age as Zen and has a thirst for terror. "You better do it... Also, you better no hurt my Yusael, I never tasted her jewel-like body... I preferred her to be in the perfect flawless condition in my bed." Said Zeno. "How lucky of you to became the fiance in the princess..." "Of course, since William became exiled. I'm the only one who's equal to her." "Speaking of Yusael... I get a report about a man who always sacrifices himself for Yusael. One of my pawn in steel Island saw this man. He's a member of red rob terrorist." Mino said and look at the documents on the table. The documents contain information about the true red robe terrorist. And the people in Steel Island. Including Ren and Hanayuki. Zeno picks up one of the documents and looks at Hanayuki and Ren's face. "We don't need to worry to a low-born scum like that man who acted as Yusael's hero... The problem is this one, this little girl. I saw the footage of the battle. That little girl killed ziggy in seconds. It doesn't make any sense." "You're right, that girl's name is Hanayuki. Parent's and origin is unknown. She was seen using lightning magic. Extremely powerful lightning magic." Zeno put the document with Hanayuki's face on the table and stab it with his sword. "This feeling, I need to destroy her as soon as possible." Zeno said.
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