
Whispers Under The Moonlight

friends to lovers
magical world
first love

Living a life full of nothing but loneliness and disappointments, Austin makes his life worth living by going on adventures everytime he has a chance. Can he find a way to bring back his blissful and exciting life once again?

Once known as the bubbly and cheerful lady that doesn't seem to be affected by the harshness of the world, Feya suddenly turned aloof and isolated. Is there someone that can bring back her once radiant smile, bright eyes and magical wings that can always fly high to the top?






During their time together at the mysterious and enchanting village, Clair de Lune, can they bring back their old happiness?

When everything that surrounds them is magical, can they find answers on the mysterious whispers under the moonlight?

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Someone's Point of View According to others, ever since in the beginning, creatures like me does not really exist in this world. A myth, a hearsay, an urban legend that's what they called me, us. No one can prove that creatures like me really do exist. No one can see if we are true right before their eyes. But they are all wrong, because in this place, everything is possible. Where creatures like me, live together with human beings.  Welcome to Clair de Lune: Where fairies and humans are living together. That is the first thing that the visitors and other people can see on the arc in front of the village. And of course, all the visitors and tourist don't believe in them, they just think that the villagers are crazy. Some also believe that the villagers make up the story of fairies' existence to attract  tourist and visitors.  Many of the visitors take their chances, they risk going to what they called "crazy village" just to take a glimpse of this so called fairies, but none of them succeed. They even asked the villagers on how to find the fairies, but they can't seem to understand the explanation of the villagers.  Just like this tourist, from her appearance it looks like she just heard the rumors about the fairies in this village.  "Do fairies really do exists in this village?" she asked The old man who still looks so manly and strong despite his white hairs and wrinkled skin answered her with affirmation, "Yes, they do exist." With her knotted forehead the lady asked once again, clearly not convinced on the old man's answer, "Then, if the fairies are really true, and if they really do lives in this village together with the villagers, how would I be able to see them? Is there some way?"  The old man who is carrying a sack of rice with just one hand smiled mysteriously at her and said, "When a never ending darkness envelopes the once bright and shiny world, they will show their selves and will become our light to guide our paths" I almost laugh because the woman who just asked him has this confused look on her face. "You are weird, old man. I just waste a minute of my precious time," she said before she turn to leave. I see how the old man shook his head because of that woman. "I can't believe this, she leave just like that? No thank you or even simple ok? How rude," I mumbled to myself, clearly irritated. I keep my gaze on that rude lady, following her using my eyes. She stopped another villager and asked the same thing but she just got the same answer. After asking almost ten villagers, well they are the only villagers who are currently outside their home busy preparing for the event later this evening, she stopped asking and just walk out of the village, clearly annoyed. "Finally she left, you deserved that you human. You don't even know how to say a simple 'thank you' then you even had the guts to be irritated on their answers. They are telling the truth you know, you just didn't get the meaning on their answers," I said even though no one is listening to what I'm saying.  I just shook my head and went inside our place where the other fairies are. The moment I enter many of the fairies greeted me immediately. I do not want to brag but I am one of the well known fairy in our place. Well, I am really friendly to all the fairies, or so I thought... because right at this moment, I saw someone who is glaring at me. And because I just want to pour myself with positivity, I choose to ignore her.  I just had a little chitchat with the other fairies, just like a bonding 'fairy version' asking others how are they doing and many other things. We laughed and we share our excitement on the event that will take place later this evening.  One of the elders then approached me. "Are you ready on what you will do later?" she asked me. I smiled and then nodded my head. "Then good. There is no other fairy that is fit for that role more than you, you is our best choice," she then added.  "Thank you," I said, sincerely, then I looked at the elder again. "But I think I need to rest for the next month. Perhaps we could ask someone else to be my replacement for next month? I'm sure there is someone who is also fit for this role," I suggested. I don't know but I had a feeling that something bad will happen, that's why I suggested that. For precautionary measures. She looks like she's pondering on what I said, like on a very deep internal monologue,  before she answered me, "I will think about it, but remember, you are irreplaceable, and I mean it." Before she turn her back at me. She walked away before she stopped, "As long as you are prepared for tonight then I have nothing else to say." With that, she left.  I went to my room to prepare for later. I looked myself at the mirror while trying to motivate myself. Even though I do this every month, I feel like I'm still not use to this. I took a deep breath and then said to myself, "Let's do this." As the night is fast approaching, the villagers and the fairies also became very busy. While here I am, still in my room, waiting for the elders to call me. And because I got bored waiting, I go out to check what the other fairies are doing. By the looks of the surroundings and on how busy the villagers and the fairies are, it looks like they really prepared for this evening. Well, we always make sure that our preparations for this is grand, every single month. Because this is the time that we will show ourselves to the villagers, again.  I kept on walking until I reached the less crowded place. Just like a while ago, the fairies in this area also greeted me. I greeted them as well and continued to walk until I reached the other side of the palace.  I went outside and watched as the brightness of the sun is slowly engulf by darkness while the moon is showing it's enchanting light, slowly gracing the village with it's magical moonlight, where the name of the village came from, Clair de Lune.  I can see the houses below our palace and the people who are busy decorating the streets while the others are busy preparing fruits and vegetables for us.  I smiled to myself because everything goes according to the plan of the elders. I hope there is no problem that will happen later. I want this one to be peaceful and full of fun just like what happen on the last few months. Everyone is happy and there is no one that shows disappointment. Maybe, and I hope this month will be the same.  But I still have this feeling that something terrible will happen later, I can't remove this uneasy feeling. I tried to shake it off because I don't want negative thoughts to ruin this festive feelings today.  I need to be prepare. I will lead all the fairies today after all. I was about to enter the palace to go back to my room when something caught my attention. I went near it and I saw a fairy sitting alone not far from where I am standing.  I approached her and said, "What are you doing here? You already finished your assigned tasks?" She looked startled as she turned in my direction. I could see hatred and disgust in her eyes as she looked at me.  "Oh sh*t, it's the elders' favorite," she said, sarcastically. I became silent because of what she said.  Favorite? I never been someone's favorite, because for me, this is not a privilege. I do this because that what the elders told me to do. If I had a choice, I will gladly turn them down because honestly I am so tired of doing almost the same thing every month. That's why I told the elders earlier that I needed a break.  "What? Why are you silent? You are the all time favorite and the most friendly fairy right? Even the people in this village that we mingle with, you are the favorite." She stood up and walk towards me until we met face to face. "Tell me, what kind of sorcery did you used for them to like you?"   I got offended by her remarks and question. I already choose to be silent and to ignore her outburst but it looks like she really want to see my true nature so I choose to answer her question.  "Excuse me but I think it is not my fault that everyone adores me right?" I said and smiled sweetly at her. "Are you jealous? Then be as friendly as me, who knows? fairies and even the people in this village will recognize you?" I don't usually this side of mine to anyone because they all treat me well, but this one in front of me? Her attitude is really different. I never encountered someone like her in our palace, this is the first time.  "I'm not jealous of you, But, can't you give a chance to others? Ever since the beginning it's always been you!" I looked at her and saw hatred in her eyes. Oh so this is what she wanted. "You want to lead the performance later?" I asked her and nodded her head. "You could try next month, everything is prepared already for this month so it's such a hassle to change something, I will try to ask the elders to lead you lead next month," I said.  I saw something flickered in her eyes after I said that but I cannot point out what it is, so I choose to ignore it.   "Then I will prepare for tonight." I bowed my head slightly and turned my back at her.  I don't even walk that far when she suddenly said "There is no next time, I cannot wait for next month." I stopped on my tracks and looked at her. "What did you just say?" I asked her "What I mean is, you need to be removed from here," she said while slowly walking towards me wearing her bitchy smile. "You, what are you planning to do?" I asked her while taking a stepped back, clearly walking away from her.  She reached something from her back and my eyes immediately widened when I found out that it's a poison. She started mumbling something I can't seem to understand and that's when I realized what she wanted to do to me. She's enchanting something, clearly trying to put a curse on me.  I tried to run as fast as I could so that I could ask for help but she was enough to block my only escape. She angrily  reached for my wrist and no matter what I do, I can't seem to move any part of my body.  She used a spell! I looked straight into her eyes and said, "You! What did you do to me? Answer me you b***h! Remember this, You will regret this, you will regret what you did to me, someday," I said, as I feel that there is no other way for me to escape.  She just smirked at me, `"No, I won't regret this, not now, not tomorrow, not for eternity! It so sad that Clair de Lune will lost their favorite fairy, but oh well they will totally forgot about you don't worry. They will forget about you, like you never existed. Goodbye Feya." She let me smell the potion she's holding. I tried to stopped closing my eyes but I really can't do that anymore.  I felt that she pushed me down but I can't do anything. "Goodbye Feya, and don't comeback." And after that, I totally lost my consciousness.

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