Chapter 7

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Elizabeth       My cold is gone, thank God. My mom came home last night and is still in bed recovering from whatever the hell she does. I expect her to be gone soon, though. I get ready and I hear a honk outside the house. I hurry out the window and see Tristan giving me a cheeky grin from inside his car. He's wearing his maroon and white football jersey. I've gotta say, he looks hot. I walk to the passenger side and open the door. When I get in I pinch his arm. "Ow! What was that for?" he rubs his arm as he whines like a baby. "When you see a car in the driveway, don't honk! My parents sleep in late and they don't want to be woken up." He gives me a weird look before starting the car up and driving away. "So what do your parents do?" A question I get asked so often. Honestly it's embarrassing to answer. "Uh, I don't really know what my parents do," I answer truthfully. To be frank, I don't know what they do to pay the bills. Honestly, I don't even know who my parents are anymore. "How can you not know?" I wince. I really don't like where this conversation is going. It feels like being interrogated by another adult. "Can we just drop it? I don't want to talk about my parents." I whisper. The rest of the ride is silent. We drive up to the school and I start to get out of the car, but Tristan puts his hand on my shoulder. I look at him, his blue eyes filled with worry. "I'm sorry about pushing about your parents. I just want to make sure you're safe in that house." I look down. This boy is making me feel too much. "I'll be alright. Really Tristan, I promise. I'll see you at your game tonight." I walk into school feeling so confused. So much confusion about Tristan. We've solidified our friendship. I don't want him to blow it up by catching too many feelings. At my locker I sift through the papers in my binder to make sure I have everything in order for the exam next block when someone suddenly slams my locker shut. I jump slightly and look down to see a tiny bleach blonde cake-face glaring at me. Putting on my fighting face I I give her a hard look back and say, "Who the hell are you, and what gives you the right to slam my locker in my face?" I see her face waver before standing up taller to say, "I'm Gianna, new girl. And Tristan, hands off cause he's mine." What the actual f**k? "You know what, I pity you. You're so self conscious that you have to claim a guy before you actually have him." "Go to hell!" "When I go I'll see you there." "At least I'm not an ugly giant!" I laugh. "You wound me, Barbie!" I taunt. She raises her arm to slap me, but I grab her wrist in mid-air. It's all over now. I can laugh off a little cat fight, but if you put your hands on me, I'm gonna be livid. "You really want to do that, honey? Because I've got about 10 inches and 30 pounds on you, so if I were you I'd back off from me before I loose it." I see fear across her face. Pushing her arm away from me I turn the other way and walk down the hall with a satisfied smirk on my face. _____ "Girl you need to control your temper." I roll my eyes at Natalia. It's now all over school that I picked a fight with Gianna. "She was being a b***h. I'm not going to let her give me shit." "Why was she yelling at you anyway?" "Because she claims she owns Tristan." Natalia chokes on her water. "She's delusional. He only used her for a good time." "Obviously she doesn't know that." "Enough about her, are you excited about the game tonight?" I shrug. "Honestly I know nothing about football, nor have I ever been interested in it. So I can't really give a verdict." She rolls her eyes. "You don't have to know anything about football to know the guys that play it look like s*x gods." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Jeez, I've never seen you so crazy." "What can I say? I'm secretly a slut." We both laugh as the bell rings signaling to return to class.  ______ "So I heard about your little encounter with Gianna." I jump at the voice behind me. I see it's Tristan with that stupid smirk on his face. "Don't do that again. You scared the s**t out of me!" His smirk turned into a full-blown smile. "And yeah, some people need to get a life." "So what did she want?" "For me to stay away from you." I feel him tense. "You're not going to, are you?" "To what?" "Stay away from me?" God this boy was so dumb. "I'm talking to you now, aren't I?" "Well yeah, but"- "But nothing. I don't really care what she wants. So to answer your question, no, I 'm not staying away from you." He visibly relaxes. Someone calls Tristan from afar. "I've gotta go. See you later." I smile and nod and he jogs to his friend. I check my watch. Natalia should be here any minute. She has to drive me to my house so I can get clothes to change into. She said school colors was a must if I was going to go, and early September's evenings weren't too forgiving temperature wise. 20 minutes pass and she finally comes out of her last class. I push off my locker and walk towards her. "Took you long enough," I say and she rolls her eyes at me as I laugh walking to her car. I notice there's no car in the driveway so I enter through the front door. I close the door and I am disgusted by what I see. Empty beer bottles scattered on the counter, couch and table with countless fast food bags and wrappers all over the floor. Looks like I'll be cleaning tomorrow. A note. The top has my mom's writing and the bottom is my dad's. Will be out until next Friday. With the guys. Be back Sunday. Fan-f*****g-tastic. Grabbing what I need I run outside to meet Natalia. We get over to the house and get ready. I've never had a legit friend, and so I treasure my time with Natalia. No matter how much I like her, I can't help but be jealous. I've met her parents, and they're the kind of people I would want to take care of me. Natalia complains they're overbearing and too old-school, but I can't help but wish for parents like hers. Sure having freedom is all fun and games until you have a 13 year old looking after themselves because they're father is too drunk and their mother barely lives at home. While we're getting ready, I can't help but notice Nat's sudden peppiness. She's usually so mellow, but right now I could have sworn she's a different person. She goes all out wearing a jersey they sold at the school store with white leggings and maroon shoes while I stuck to a mostly maroon shirt with some white and ripped jeans and white converse. She even painted those black lines on her cheeks which I refused to let her paint on me.  "I can't wait to see Ryan." she says out of the blue. "Uh, yeah." "Isn't he so hot?" Whoa. "I think someone has a crush." I tease and her face turns a light shade of pink. "Says the one who talks to Tristan non-stop." I roll my eyes. "You know for a fact we're just friends. And that's not going to make me forget about what you just said about Ryan." "Damn it." ______ Just as I predicted a breeze was starting to kicking in, chilling the air. The bleachers are already pretty full and I chuckle seeing there's a distinct line where maroon and white ends, and blue and yellow starts. Taking our seats we come just as the game begins. I try and follow along, but honestly the only thing I can tell you is that to win you need to get touchdowns, and that's where my knowledge of football ends. Hell, I couldn't even tell you which one Tristan is. They all look the same in their damn uniform. I realize that I'm the one who probably looks like an i***t. Around everyone standing up and screaming their heads off, the girl sitting with a confused look on her face is sure to stick out. ______ We win. After the game everything is crazy. People are running out of the stands screaming and sprinting across the field like they've just won the Super Bowl. I'm about to leave but Natalia grabs me and shouts, "We have to wait for them!" I roll my eyes but stay put. It's not like I can leave anyways. She's my ride. Then I see him. His dark hair wild, his face glistening with sweat and his pearly whites flashing to the mass of people. He looks amazing. We make eye contact and he walks over to me. "There's lover boy." she teases. "Shut up, he's anything but lover boy." "Whatever, I'll meet you at my car in 10. I'm gonna go talk to Ryan." Before I can stop her she shoves through the crowd. He's next to me at this point and I can already smell him. And this time, it's not a pleasant one. "You did great!" I shout, attempting to be heard over everyone talking. "Thanks, Elizabeth. It's good to see you here showing some school spirit." He pulls me into a bear hug and I immediately recoil. "Get off me!" I say as I struggle to get away from him. "You smell like shit." He holds me for a few more seconds before releasing me. I gasp for air. He rolls his eyes, "You're so dramatic." "Have you took a whiff of yourself?" He sniffs his armpit. "This is what a man smells like, darling." "No, this is what a sweaty teenage boy smells like." I say pinching my nose. "The boys are going to celebrate at Rick's Pizza. You wanna come?" "I won't know anyone." "You can bring Natalia." "I'll take you up on that offer when you smell decent." And I walk away to meet Natalia. ___________________________ Tristan Today's she's later than usual. A few minutes go by and I'm done waiting and I honk the horn a few times. I see her poke her head out the window and give her my most obnoxious  grin. I know I've succeeded in annoying her because she gives me her signature pissed look. She walks to the passenger side and suddenly pitches me. "Ow! What was that for?" I run my arm. For some reason that hurts more than a slap. "When you see a car in the driveway, don't honk! My parents sleep in late and they don't want to be woken up." Odd. Usually jobs require you to wake up early. "So what do your parents do?" I ask. "Uh, I don't really know what my parents do," what kid doesn't know what her parents do? "How can you not know?" she stiffens. "Can we just drop it? I don't want to talk about my parents." she whispers. We don't talk and I mentally kick myself for hitting a nerve. We arrive and she's quick to open the door. s**t. I grab her shoulder and look her in the eyes. Those eyes. Perfectly green. "I'm sorry about pushing about your parents. I just want to make sure you're safe in that house." Way to go all sappy, Blake. "I'll be alright. Really Tristan, I promise. I'll see you at your game tonight." I relax a little knowing she forgives me. I sit in the car for a little longer. I have to tell her soon. No way. The other part of my brain says. She'll freak out and run. Wait for her. I know that part is right, but it's near torture to be so close to her and not being able to do everything I want to do to her.  _______ Oh my God. Ryan sent me a video of Gianna and Elizabeth going at each other. "And Tristan, stay away from him, cause he's mine." What the- Elizabeth catches something I didn't quite hear to which Gianna screams, "Go to hell!" Elizabeth smiles. "See you there" was all she said and I have to smile. That's my girl. My girl? Where did that come from? Ryan comes through the class door and makes a beeline for my desk. "Isn't it crazy, dude?" I nod, "Yeah that's pretty f****d up. I can't believe she actually said I belong to her." "She's delusional as hell, man. Give her an inch and she takes it a mile." "Totally true." And that's when Gianna comes storming through the door. "TRISTAN!" Good Lord, can I ever catch a break? "What do you want?" "You need to tell that girl you're taken." "Since when am I taken?" "Since we've slept together!" she's practically shrieking. "Look, I'm sorry if I led you on or something, but that was just a fun time. I don't really like you." She looks at me with pure anger. "Fine. I liked Tyler anyway." I bite back a smile. "By all means go get your man." She walks away in a huff. I turn to Ryan who gives me a s**t-eating grin. "That was amazing my dude." I couldn't agree more.  ______ I see Elizabeth at her locker. I walk up behind her and say, "so I heard about your little encounter with Gianna." She jumps and turns scowling at me. "Don't do that again. You scared the s**t out of me!" I smile. I love annoying the shot out of her. "And yeah, some people need to get a life." she finishes. Couldn't agree more. Thinking about Gianna. "So what did she want?" "For me to stay away from you." Here it goes. "You're not going to, are you?" I ask cautiously. "To what?" "Stay away from me?" Please say no. "I'm talking to you now, aren't I?" Not exactly the answer I was looking for. "Well yeah, but"- I start but she cuts me off. "But nothing. I don't really care what she wants. So to answer your question, no, I 'm not staying away from you." I relax. I hear Devon call for me. "I've gotta go. See you later." I jog to meet him. "So her?" He asks. "Yeah." "I'd tap that." That made my blood boil. No other guy was going to touch her. "Hands off." I growl. He raises his eyebrow, "damn, possessive much?" I don't deny it. "Something like that." ______ In the locker room I inevitably get s**t about what I said to Devon. "Nobody go near Elizabeth, or Tristan'll go all alpha male on you." Aaron mocks from the other side of the locker room. Another round of laughter erupts from the guys. I decide to play along. "Damn right, Rodriguez!" I call. That shits them all up.  ______ I don't see her. The game starts in a minute and I can't find Elizabeth. Did she change her mind? The thoughts hurts more than I care to admit. The whistle blows and I walk to the field sad, but then I see her. Dressed in maroon and white is my girl. So perfect with her flowing, waist long hair blowing with the breeze. My spirits instantly lift and I'm pumped again. The first few plays go by and we're killing it. I loo up again in the stands to see her with the most adorable and confused look on her face. I smile. I can't help it. Just looking at her makes me feel better. There we go being all sappy again." "Yo Blake, let's get going!" ______ The last few minutes were intense but we came out with the win. After the game everything is crazy. People are running out of the stands screaming and chanting. As soon as we're free to go, I make my way through the crowd to find d Elizabeth. She's not hard to find, her tall frame making her easy to spot. I stare for a little. Her eyebrows are scrunched and her cheeks are pink from the wind. Then we make eye contact and I walk over. I see Natalia say something to her with a mischievous look in her eye. Elizabeth gives her a look that shoots daggers and says something back. Natalia smiles and says something else to her before taking off in the crowd. It takes me only a few more steps to get to her. I look down to meet her eyes. "You did great!" she says. "Thanks, Elizabeth. It's good to see you here showing some school spirit." I reach down and pull her into my chest. "Get off me!" She struggles trying to get away. I smile. She's tall, but she doesn't carry much weight. "You smell like shit." I hold her, torturing her for a few more seconds before letting her go. She breaths hard for air. I roll my eyes at her, "You're so dramatic." "Have you took a whiff of yourself?" I take a sniff of my armpit. "This is what a man smells like, darling." "No, this is what a sweaty teenage boy smells like." She pinches her nose. "The boys are going to celebrate at Rick's Pizza. You wanna come?" "I won't know anyone." You'll know me. "You can bring Natalia." "I'll take you up on that offer when you smell decent." And she walks away through the mob. Devon comes up behind me. "Come on, Blake, stop falling in love for a second and get moving." I shuffle to my car. Once I sit down I think about what Devon said. Am I really that obvious?
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