I sat in the rubble and wondered. How the Infinite did I get myself into this situation? Remembering the thousand heads Scowling Tiger had sent to Emparia Castle, I thought, “That"s the reason.” thisThen I had to be honest with myself. Although they were fellow citizens, I"d sent many of them into the fortress to spy. I told myself, perhaps I deserved the delivery. The Caven Hills rebellion, Howling Tiger"s death, my mating the Matriarch Water, my brother"s mating Fleeting Snow, the civil war. A thousand injuries and insults I"d inflicted upon Scowling Tiger, some intended, others not. I"ddeservedWhy was I buried alive in the Tiger Fortress? Was it truly Scowling Tiger"s fault? Perhaps it was a hole I had dug on my own. Perhaps the fault was mine.—The Lectures of Guarding Bear, 9323 to 9