Chapter 17-P3

1205 Words

"Hey." Marley tried sheepishly when the girl jumped. She stared up at Marley and Gabby with wide eyes full of recognition, scrambling backwards, "I get it! Okay? Leave me alone! Tell her I know and leave me alone!" Gabby and Marley shared a confused glance, "I don't understand. I'm sorry, but I'm certain we've never met before." The girls' eyes flickered between the two of them, not at all reassured, "I haven't seen him since, I swear! Okay! Please go and tell her that! I didn't do anything wrong!" She was nearly hysterical as she scrambled to her feet, looking at the two girls as if they were about to attack her. Marley raised her hands in surrender, "Look. I have no clue who you are. You looked upset, and we wanted to help you." Her thin shoulders relaxed, but her eyes were still w

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