Chapter 16-P10

1568 Words

Marley narrowed her eyes. "Tree branches have muscles now?" Aiden smirked. "So you have noticed." Marley blushed, shoving a chuckling Aiden off of her while Leo groaned from her other side. "On second thought, it would only be me on the rollercoaster row after I shove your annoying asses off of it while it's still moving. Put everybody out of their misery." "If we're so annoying, then go away," Aiden grumbled, absentmindedly curling a strand of her hair around his finger, tucking it behind her ear. Marley's skin erupted in goosebumps when his index finger brushed against her red hot ear for the briefest of moments. She felt every microsecond of contact, losing her ability to speak as they broke out of the woods and headed for the guys cabin. Marley wasn't surprised when soon after their

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