Chapter 11-P2

1319 Words

"The thing is, he didn't say he was excited to see her tomorrow. He didn't say he wanted to see her tomorrow. He said he 'guessed' he'd see her tomorrow. Like, 'I'll see you, but it's nbd to me," Bree replied. Marley didn't agree with their interpretation, "He's a guy, remember that. He's not analyzing everything he says all the time. I'm sure he wants to see you, Kelly. He was probably nervous," she reassured the girl who now looked uncertain and worried, for no reason. "Well words say everything no matter what. How does Aiden say goodnight to you?" Marley sputtered at Sarah's blunt question, choking on air, "How does that have any correlation to this?" But they were all looking at her eagerly now. She didn't want to think about it, but his parting words last night made her heart flut

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