Chapter 9-P5

1716 Words

She wasn't breathing in the few seconds it took for Aiden to tie the knot. Marley quickly held the fabric in place immediately after he let go, and he chuckled again. "It's tied now." "Really tight?" She confirmed uneasily, stretching her fingers to try and feel it to be sure. The only person she has ever trusted to tie her bikini is Gabby. "Yes," Aiden sighed. "And a little trust would be appreciated. Even though...I probably don't deserve it." "You're Aiden Matthews," Marley let her hands fall, turning to face him, her head lowered and her face still warm with embarrassment. Trying to cover this whole situation up with a joke was her best bet right now. "Do you blame me?" She jolted in surprise when two of his fingers gently tilted up her chin. His blue eyes were completely sincere, her

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