Chapter Title: (4) The Word-02

2537 Words

"My past is no excuse. My family is no excuse. It will never be an excuse for being a terrible person," she cried, her eyes burning red and aching with tears. She hugged herself tightly, feeling so empty and cold and cut open. "You're not a terrible person," Bryan sighed. "Far from it, Marley. You just didn't trust him. You never trusted him, and you need to understand that." Her lower lip bled as she bit down on it harshly, nails digging into her calves, "Yes-Yes I did. I-I trusted him." "You two spend every day together. You have the same friends. I know you, I know that beyond this camp, Marley, you never would've given him a chance. This five minute walk between where he is and where you are is your safety net. You're surrounded by wilderness in all directions. There's curfew and pra

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