Chapter 49-2

2310 Words

But Aiden Matthews, he can. He does. And that's all that ever mattered. "Yes." she breathed shakily, "Yes. Yes I'll be your girlfriend. I'm so lucky, Aiden." He tugged against her hold so she loosened her arms. His hands abandoned the small of her back to cradle her cheeks. When his eyes bored into hers, she knew that whatever brokenness lay behind them, she would save him. She would heal him. One step at a time. For as long as it takes. Marley didn't have to know about his demons. She didn't have to know their names. One day, he'd sit down and expose it all. One day she'd know what made him who he is, what created the fabric of his being and hold onto the pain inside. Nurture it and kiss its forehead and tell it that it's okay in her arms. One day, she'd tell him her past. She'd show

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