Chapter 48-2

1578 Words

"Hm." Marley grinned, glancing up at Aiden as he rested his arm over her shoulders, "Sounds a lot like someone I know." Aiden's eyes turned thoughtful as he smiled down at her, almost nostalgic, "You told me you didn't like heroes once, you know." "I did," she remembered that too, "and I don't like heroes. They're overrated. But, are you saying that you think you're a bad boy?" she teased. He shrugged, "If I was a good one would you have fallen in love with me?" If I was a good one would you have fallen in love with me? That took Marley a second to digest, to comprehend. If Aiden Matthews was a golden boy, perfect attitude and always did the right thing, if he never lied or made mistakes. If he considered his actions before doing them? "Spending time with safe people, you realize the

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