Chapter 46-2

1871 Words

Aiden c****d his head sideways, seeming to think over something before he was turning to face the front. "Hey, Kahn! Why don't we enlighten the rest of the car about how you used to jack off to your sisters' barbies?" Leo spun around in the front seat, red-faced and not skipping a beat, "Last year. Pink tho-" "Finish that sentence, man. I dare you. The Barbie thing is tame." Aiden cut him off, the two of them engaging in a stare down. Marley snorted into her hand, watching the two of them glare daggers at each other from across the car. "While we're exposing people, why don't we talk about how Alec sings Britney Spears in the shower?" Alec reached across Kelly to whack Ryan in the back of the head, "You f*****g asshole!" Ryan and Jason locked eyes from where they were diagonal to ea

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