Chapter 37-4

910 Words

Marley opened her mouth, but Aiden beat her to speak, "This is Marley, back off, and we're going inside." She sighed in resignation at Aiden's brooding. She could infer, though, that he and Dalton had a history by the way their host seemed to harbour no shock or resentment at what is Aiden's usual behaviour. To an outsider it would be responded with hostility. Marley was grateful when Dalton halted in whatever he was going to say, by Leo approaching and also seeming friendly with him. They did their own bro hug and caught up, but Aiden seemed to have zero interest in speaking with them. He returned her to her usual place under his arm and led them forward. Marley would've protested him dragging her along like a dog on a leash if she hadn't spotted the girls already walking ahead of her.

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