Chapter 27-1

1234 Words

If you walked into Gabby's room on a Monday afternoon in September, you'd find her and Marley sprawled out across her bed discussing some homework topic. On her TV would be Gabby's latest addiction — her recent being The Office — and Marley's copy of Wuthering Heights on her nightstand. Gavin would probably be poking his head in once in a while, a pile of thrown pillows by the door physical evidence of that. If you walked in now, you'd see a redhead hanging with her front off the edge of Marley's bed, scrolling through her Spotify on her phone and jamming out to her music choice on her speaker. You'd see a girl with her legs stretched out on the floor, dark caramel hair being tamed with a straightener while she thought over Cosmo's steps to go from 'get laid to girlfriend.' You'd see a ta

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