Chapter 26-2

1150 Words

Marley let out a loud gasp at the same time, her nose scrunching up in distaste. "Exactly what I said." Bree snatched Leo's phone from his hands and shoved it in her front pocket much to his disdain, "For the last and final time I am telling you that this one pumpkin needs to represent something everyone wants to do." "You stoopid. You stoopid." Tristan's words were so confusing and odd sounding that everyone stopped to look at her. Bree reached over and gave her a high five with a snicker. Leo raised his eyebrows before shaking his head. "Well, everyone wants to do Bunny Sparks." His smirk caused Aiden to reach over and smack him on the head. Marley rubbed her eyes to try and remove the image of a very nude blonde girl who left nothing to the imagination. "Who-who is Bunny Sparks?"

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