Chapter 23-2

1243 Words

Marley's eyes wildly searched for the people she knew he saw now. They weren't hard to find, mostly because Ian Matthews did look a lot like his brother. He had the same colour of dark hair, but his was shorter and tamer. His eyes were a duller blue, his jaw softer. Everything about him was more delicate. His demeanour, his lanky build; his aura was, in general, a stark contrast to Aiden's dominating and powerful one. Ian was staring at Aiden with his lower lip pulled between his teeth, tapping the fingers of his free hand against his jean-clad thigh. He had a faded green duffel in his other hand. Beside him was Dylan, Marley had to assume. Dylan wasn't what she expected. She didn't realize until now what she was expecting, but she assumed he'd look older. He was a few inches taller th

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