Ends This Wrong Marriage

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After regretting, Lucy Lu was very calm in taking care of the procedure to get out of the hospital alone, after arriving at home directly entering the room, firmly pulling the cupboard. When he moved to Dean Shao's place, initially he didn't bring so many things, and now within 2 hours he had finished putting all his things in 2 suitcases, only there were some clothes that were too thick, he immediately threw them back into the closet. Lucy Lu looked back at the apartment she had left with Dean Shao. As if every corner there were both of them. He left the key above the shoe cabinet, then pushed the suitcase and went to leave without being willing. As early as the telephone incident was raised by a woman, until the incident of the meeting last night, she should have known everything. He has been using 3 years, but is still unable to melt a man's heart, this does not mean that other women are also unable. Moreover, this marriage was originally a mistake, so let him end it earlier! After leaving Dean Shao's residence, Lucy Lu immediately pulled her luggage to her mother's place. He did not want to meet Dean Shao again, but with his current situation, he was not at all supportive of being able to spend money and stay in hotels. Lucy Lu had pressed the bell for the whole day, furrowed her eyebrows, then called Mrs. Lu. Call quickly lifted. Lucy Lu heard a noise from Ms. Lu's direction, asking: "Ma, are you not at home?" "Hah? I'm not at home, I'm out of sports". Ms. Lu said it unclearly, "Lucy, are you having a problem, if there is no problem, tonight mama will call again". Lucy Lu did not believe, immediately asked: "Ma, where do you exercise, I go looking for you". "You don't come here, it's a bit far". Just as Mrs. Lu said in stammering, Lucy Lu sensitively heard someone shouting loudly: "Hey, hey, the customer's gone, why don't you go clean it, call here!" "Ma, I've heard it!" Lucy Lu held back her anger in her heart, calmly said: "Tell me the address". Lucy Lu tucked the suitcase in the neighbor's place in front of the house, and gave her a 500 Yuan of money, then immediately called the taxi to the place that Mother Lu said. When he entered, he could immediately see Ms. Lu bending her body to clean the table. The sibohor judge in Nan City, who used to live in luxury, is now a waiter in a restaurant, Lucy Lu sees it, can't resist the pain in her nose, even the legs can't go again, "Ma". "Lucy has come?" When he saw Lucy Lu, Ms. Lu still felt bad, quickly finishing the job cleaning her desk, she went to say with a coworker, then went to a corner with Lucy. Lucy Lu saw her mother's left hand red and swollen, caught her hand and asked: "What's going on?" "It's okay, just burns". Lu's mother tried to cover it up, in her mouth she said she didn't care, Lucy Lu couldn't help it, immediately pulled Ms. Lu out of the restaurant, calling taxi to the hospital. Fortunately, the decision was correct, the doctor said this was a severe burn, otherwise it would be overcome properly. "Ma, didn't I tell you to stay at home?" Lucy Lu applied medicine to her mother's wound. his voice hoarsely speaking, "Besides, I'm not able to support you". "Mama also doesn't have work at home, working a day in a restaurant can at least get hundreds of money. After saying it, Ms. Lu was unable to hold back her tears: "If it wasn't for your father doing that stupid deed, our family should still be happy, and I don't need to be scared every day and unable to sleep well. "Come out, next time I can't work anymore, if I don't give enough money". Lucy Lu said, "Poor-poor our family, I also will not make you experience bitterness, I will think of a way to the problem of papa". "Such a big pressure, how can you let you bear it alone". His daughter's concern made Ms. Lu's heart happy, instead draining tears for money, "2M, it's better to have your father die in jail, we also don't care about it!" Lucy Lu knew what her mother said was emotional words, but her heart was still worried about her father's problem, "Ma, I guarantee I will get the right money at the appointed time, you don't worry so much". Lu's mother was the son of a rich man, at the age of 18 had known Lu's father, at the age of 20 married him, after giving birth to Lucy Lu, always taking care of her with all her heart, life depended on Lu's father completely, when Lu's father fell, he panicked, fortunately his daughter is quite calm. Seeing his daughter say this, Ms. Lu could only nod her head. After taking medicine for a week, Lucy took her mother away. When exiting the elevator immediately see the unexpected.The mother of her husband, Dean Shao, was led by a young woman. Both of them walked over while being ketiwi. After watching closely, Lucy Lu recognized the woman, incidentally the woman was the woman who had accompanied Dean Shao last night. Ms. Shao didn't seem to think she would meet Lucy Lu at the hospital. The view of the two met, Ms. Shao smiled rather awkwardly and asked Mrs. Lu's news: "I'm a little unwell, Dean Shao told Stephanie Fu to take me to the hospital. You don't think too far." "I know, Stephanie Fu is Dean Shao's personal assistant, right?" Lucy Lu answered smiling while holding her mother's own arm, "But Ma, just ask me next time, this kind of business does not need to call strangers." Lu's mother smiled shyly. Hearing Lucy Lu's allusions, Stephanie Fu's emotions were provoked, her face turned cold: "Miss Lu, I'm Dean Shao's personal assistant and caring for her mother is also part of my job, so I can't be said to be a stranger." Seeing the arrogant attitude of the woman who destroyed her child's relationship, Ms. Lu was unhappy. He is fighting. Lucy Lu blocked him, then flatly said: "Your boss is Dean Shao and I am his wife, so you should call me Mrs. Shao, not Miss Lu. Cook this simple thing, you don't know? I doubt how you got this job." The look on Stephanie Fu's face was getting darker. Lucy Lu just glanced at her, then smiled at Ms. Zhao: "Ma, sorry, I have other business, so I was forced to tell Miss Fu to bring mama here. I walk first." "Good." Zhao's mother nodded without saying anything else. Lucy Lu also glanced at the corner of Ms. Zhao's eye that was impressed to lower her. It seems that Ms. Zhao is not aware of this. While holding his mother's arm, he walked leaving them. His heart is very poignant, very poignant. Before marriage, he cared deeply about Dean Shao's family. Even if there was no business, he would still buy gifts and deliver them every time he visited their home. the battery, none of Shao's family looked at him. Only Dean Shao's mother was a little kind to him, that was probably because Lucy Lu's family had a lot of wealth. When Ms. Shao was sick with kidney stones, she was for half a month going back and forth in the hospital to treat her. The food he intertwined three times a day he all cooked himself. He really paid full attention until Ms. Shao was allowed to go home. Although he continued to be kind to Ms. Shao, Ms. Shao still did not receive it from the start. He is very tired. Really very tired.
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