1264 Words

TARA I thought that would be the last time I'll ever cross paths with Theodore, but I keep forgetting that we live in a town, not a city! My mother in-law's advice became a problem for me. It wasn't working because wherever I go in this town, that man was always there! It became so disturbing that I had to ask her during dinner one night, "Does Theodore have a twin?" "No. Why did you ask?" She lifted her brow in confusion. I had to explain by mentioning his appearance in every path in this town, believing that rude pants was on a mission to frustrate me. She laughed and called me silly. "When will you two stop this war?" "I'm not at war with anyone. I just..." I paused, feeling the discomfort all over my skin. "I just want a peaceful moment without that man's face appearing left and

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