Chapter 4

688 Words

Chapter 4The day passed pleasurably enough. To Jamie’s surprise, Trent was true to his word. When the time came to play beach cricket, he did indeed choose Jamie to be on his team. When that game finished and the group moved on to volleyball, Trent even blamed a small tumble Jamie took when stopping a cricket ball as the reason he wasn’t joining in the game. Most of the crowd took it well enough, but Jamie noticed a small core of men, which included the two who’d stared at him earlier, frowning at Trent’s camaraderie. It’s not like I’m trying to muscle into their f*****g inner circle. Pulling his wide-brimmed hat into a better position, Jamie began to rub some more sun lotion on. Although he used a waterproof variety, he didn’t want to take a chance with his skin, having sweated a lot du

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