Chapter 14.1.

1570 Words

Chapter 14 This is crazy. Even with my face buried in Reid's bare back, my body trembling from recent events and my heart racing with fear, my attraction to him still tugs at me like an invisible thread. However, I can't go there. Just because I'm emotional doesn't mean I'm stupid, and falling for Reid Colleman would be the ultimate stupidity after his confession. I can't. "Stop" he growls, as if reading my thoughts. Swallowing saliva, my feelings on edge, I let go slowly, let go in more ways than one, and take a step away from him... a step that well feels like a huge chasm. "We're done" I whisper in a tiny whisper. He turns to look at me and I'm surprised to meet the hard expression on his face. He is not amused by this, not amused at all. In fact, his expression is a mixture of

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