2032 Words

As he did so he saw there were more people in the Church than there had been when he came in, and when he glanced at them he saw with a sudden leap of excitement that kneeling only a little way from him was the Countess Aloya. Her clasped hands were resting on the top of the prie-dieu at which she was praying and her head was thrown back a little, her eyes raised to the lamp burning in front of the Sanctuary. She was obviously completely unaware of him, at least that was what she appeared to be, and yet because he was so conscious of her, Craig thought it would be a mistake to walk past her and out of the Church. Instead he stepped across the narrow aisle and sat down in a seat next to hers. He did not kneel, but bent forward and put his hand over his eyes, as if he was praying. He wa

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