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Milca's friend really hurts my head. Too early, I immediately lost my mood when I saw her. My day was ruined, because of her. I don't know, every time I see that woman's face, my day is ruined immediately. In the whole day, my day was ruined, because of Milca's friend. Milca is to blame, why this friend of hers is the one she traded for herself, while on vacation. Her first day, as my secretary, I didn’t immediately like it when I saw her. I was still far away, I knew it was weird, when it came to her friend Milca. From the look of her just sitting, she was different from Milca. Even in Milca's few years, as my secretary, I never saw Milca sit like that and see her ... Shit! She's so weird really! FLASH BACK Earlier, I received text messages from Milca. Next came her reminder, her first day, of her vacation leave. In the few years she has been working with me, at least once, she has not yet filed, even one leave. Even the absent, is unlikely to happen. She was always on time when she entered the office. She was even ahead of me, sometimes, no, often she was even ahead, entering the office. When I entered the office, I was shocked, Milca was already in the office. Everything I needed was ready, even my schedule for the whole day, was ready as well. Milca is always ready, I don't have to ask her anymore. "Sir, just a reminder, today is the start of my vacation leave." "Sir, you might be surprised, to your new secretary, don't shout, please." Milca said again. She begs, and reminds me, not to be rude to her friend. She said again, I should be kind to her friend, like, how I treat her. Of all her text messages, she only got one reply. A big YES! Then, Milca replied. "Thanks, Sir!" After that, Milca was gone, she never texted again, even though I scolded her once, she was still kind to me, in the few years that Milca worked with me. And what Milca wants now, is for me to be kind to her proud friend as well. Milca even reminded me, I came in early, because she was letting, her friend, into the office early. I entered the office early, because Milca said so. But after I entered, I did not immediately like the look of my new secretary. She sat, with both legs outstretched. She was still facing, around a few scattered employees of my company. While waving to some passersby. As for me, I can see her yellow panty. As she played with both of her legs, she opened both of her legs wide. What kind of secretary was it given, by Milca? She was like a kid just playing in my company. When she noticed me approaching her, she immediately stood up in her seat. She greeted me! “Good Morning, Sir!” She said, smiling at me. I frowned at her, I don't like all my secretaries, weird people like her. I just looked at her, my critical gaze hovering all over her body. What's wrong with her? After I looked at her, when I stopped in front of her, I walked into my office again. When I entered the office, I immediately called Milca. "Hello, Sir Anthony!" "Sir, why, did you get called?" "Is there a problem?" "Sir!" "Hello!" "Sir!" "Sir Anthony!" Milca spoke one after another, when I dialed her cell phone number and called her. I was disgusted, I didn’t like what I saw in my new secretary. The temporary secretary who replaced Milca, I don’t like her. I gasped, just listening to Milca's relentless speech, from the other line as I called her. "Sir, speak up!" "Sir!" "Sir Anthony!" She was really not tired of talking. I then turned my annoyance to Milca, from her friend, whom she recommended, as my temporary secretary, while Milca was on vacation. "Sir, can I take it down?" Milca was bored too, I could already hear her threatening. My stuck secretary is threatening. "Wait!" I stopped her. She would lower her noise and she would have cut off my call to her. "Finally, you spoke too, Sir." I could still hear Milca's sigh. "Is there a problem, Sir?" "Why, did you call?" "About your friend, Milca!" "What about her?" "I don't like her!" "I don't like her, Milca." "Please, come back." I ordered her. Laugh more, Milca, I can hear her faint laugh. "But, Sir!" Milca's reasoning. "I'm still on leave, it's just the beginning, you're sending me back to work right away." Milca laughs at me, at what I told her. “I will not last long with my new secretary. Please, Milca, come back." I begged and insisted on her. But she emphatically refused my plea to her. "Sir, Joyce is beautiful!" Milca joked. "Joyce, she's nice, don't worry." "No worries, you'll get along well." She said, before she dropped my call to her. I just sighed too, with the annoyance I felt for Milca's friend. END OF FLASH BACK And now, my weird secretary, until now, still hasn’t come back, even the coffee I ordered her. Very good! A few minutes later, she still hadn’t come back, since she had entered the pantry. I was bored and disgusted with her. There was nothing she could do, except make my head hurt. There isn’t a day that I don’t have a headache, because of the misfortunes, of my weird secretary. Just like now, since I entered, my day was ruined immediately, because of her. In the extra length of my wait, in the coffee, which I ordered to my weird secretary, for her to brew me. I decided, got up from my seat and headed for her in the pantry. I wanted to laugh at what I saw. She was stunned, as someone seemed to be waiting and in front of her was the coffee she had brewed. It seems that the depth of her thoughts, I have already called her name. "Miss Imperial!" "Miss Imperial!" "Miss Imperial!" I called her, if I hadn’t already shouted out loud and called her name. "Miss Imperial!" She hadn't noticed me yet, that I was still calling her by her name and that I was still sta"Are you really deaf?" i ask her. "I've been calling you before, can't you hear or are you just deaf?" I just whispered when I noticed her shock. "Where's my coffee?" I asked her, as she held the coffee, which she had brewed. "Here it is!" She said, she raised her hand in front of me, holding the cup of coffee she had brewed for me, holding both her hands, she showed me. I quickly reached for it and took it from her. I also quickly turned away from her, walked out of the pantry. My day is really ruined again, because of her. That weird secretary! She annoyed me again! As I walked towards my desk, I felt her walk out of my office. Her footsteps were strong, even her closing the door of my office. That weirdo, it really ruined my day. I whispered again and then sat down.
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