Chapter 34: Storm*

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There was a stunned silence in the room until Ethan said “That is not possible, we both always use protection!” It was true, then Twins were extremely careful when it came to s****l health. They always had a regular check-up and used protection for every woman they had been with. Well, all apart from one end that was Bee. But, they thought that they would be married in months anyway. “Not that night Darling! I for one am so happy about this!” Priscilla said with a sweet smile. “As am I! Now, shall we discuss the engagement and the upcoming wedding?” Elgar said “They are still courting no by Clearwater, therefore, they can be no engagement!” Theo pointed out. Elgar laughed before saying “Please! You can't possibly think that courtship still happening, then you are deluding yourself! Especially, when there are much better options now!” “Elgar, you go too far!” Alannah snapped. “No, he is right!” Rosemary said in an emotionless voice. But Alannah could see Rosemary’s eyes filling with rage. “Please, I am sure we can work something out..” John started to say, he had never seen such devastation on his Sons’ faces as there was now. Rosemary stood up and got out of the room, leaving Frank and Leonid. “Please don't go! We will do anything!” Aiden said desperately. “We love Bee, please!” Ethan pleaded. But it was too late, Fran and Lenoid had also gotten up. Before they walked out Frank said “Bee will never be your mistress. She is our Siren and deserves much better!”  “Frank, please!” Theo called as he followed them out. Elgar and Priscilla sat down where the Kraken’s had just been. “Well, now the trash has taken itself out, we can now get down to business!” Elgar said with a triumphant smile. “Well, before we start let make one thing clear. We will never, ever marry Priscilla!” Aiden said in a voice as hard as stone.  “Yeah, we know you drugged and filmed us!” Ethan said disgustedly. “Ah, my young friends the key is can you prove it?” Elgar said smugly. ====================================== Bee was woken up to a loud crashing sound before she was thrown across her small cabin.  “Ahhh!” Bee shouted as she fell to the ground, it was then she noticed there was seawater on the floor. Bee coughed and quickly got up grabbing the bars just in time. The ship lurched sharply to the other side, sending everything crashing. There was a huge bang as shipping containers slammed into the ship’s wall. “Bloody hell!” Bee screamed as she tried to open the door, but the ship lurched again as another wave hit. Sailors were shouted in alarm. “Bee? Bee!” Sam shouted as he rushed in with a bunch of keys. He was desperately trying different keys to open the door. “Sam! What the f**k is happening?” Bee roared over the noise. “You were right! A hurricane has hit us!” Sam shouted back as he managed to get the door open. He grabbed Bee and pulled her through before they went flying again. “Owww!” Bee moaned as she felt herself being winded. “Bee, are you alright darling?” Sam said quickly. “Yeah! I’m soaked through!” Bee said feeling dazed. “Bee you need to get to the bridge, we are heading into the eye and you are the only one who can stop this!” Sam said firmly.  Bee felt panic well up inside of her as they hung on to the handrail for dear life. The waves were getting more powerful as they were heading towards the eye. Unlike on land, a Hurricane’s Eye at sea was the worst place you could be. The winds might be calm, but there would be powerful waves coming from all directions. These monster waves could be tall as 130 feet (40 meters).  Hurricane waves outside the eye could easily reach over 58 feet, with numerous instances of waves reaching over 90 feet. There was a serious chance of this cargo ship rolling over and sinking. Bee cursed and said, “OK, we will go to the bridge and try to steer this ship to the clean side of the storm!”  “Bee, I have to go and check on the cargo Containers. They sound like they have gotten loose!” Sam said. “No!” Bee said irrationally. “Bee it is my duty! Just as yours is to get to the bridge and sail us out of this shitstorm!” Sam said firmly. “Sam, I...I think..” Bee was going to say how important Sam was, but she didn't quite find the words. “Shh, we will talk about this later. There is no rush!” Sam said. Bee pulled Sam closer to her and she kissed him hard.   Sam said “Wow! I don't think I will ever get used to that!” “Be safe!” Bee said seriously. “You too!” Sam replied as they went their separate ways. Just before Sam disappeared wound a corner he shouted “Bee?” “Yeah?” Bee replied. “Try not to hit Garson too hard!” Sam said with a smile that warmed Bee’s heart. Bee smiled back and watched Sam disappear. Bee eventually made her way to the bridge and saw the devastation. Sailors were madly rushing around, the Captain was unconscious and Hitchens looked concerned. Bee wasted no time in taking charge. “I, Bonny Clearwater and Siren of the Seven Seas are now taking control of this vessel. I need two sailors to take the captain to his cabin and get medical help. I need the helmsman and 4 other men to stay here. The rest of you need to make sure the cargo containers are secured. Then proceed to your hurricane stations. There is no need to panic, we are all trained for this!” Bee said in a calm way that radiated authority. The men nodded and got to work, none of them would dare argue with the Siren. “Siren!” Hitchens said relieved. “What the hell happened?” Bee snapped at the Helmsman who was in charge of navigation. “Greetings Siren, I am Helsman Todd. The navigation software did not update and sent us in the path of the hurricane rather than the clean side” The helmsman reported. bee cursed and went over to the navigation station. There were two ship’s wheels and she took one before saying, “You know what we have to do! We have to turn her so the bow is pointing into the waves. We need to find the low side of the storm and then a hurricane hole! “Aye, Aye Siren!” Helmsman Todd said as he grabbed the other wheel. “Hitchens, inform the ship to hang on because this could get bumpy!” Bee ordered. Hitchens nodded and walked over to the speaker system and ordered sailors to brace themselves. Bee and the Helmsman Todd turned Honesty into the waves. Honesty started to roll even more violently and the whole ship vibrated as the cargo containers slammed into the wall of the ship. “Steady! Steady! We are almost there!” Bee shouted. Just then a monster wave hit the Honesty and she rolled onto her side. Bee was sent flying as everything crashed to one side.  “Oh s**t, we capsized!” was the last thing Bee thought as she slipped into darkness. 
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