Chapter 4 KING ANDOR

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As Tiffany hastily exited the alpha’s room, her disheveled hair caught Melanie's attention, prompting her to step forward. "Tiffany!" Melanie called out. "Could you please let me know when you will cease hooking up with my brother? You have a mate out there. How do you think he would feel knowing that you are engaging in this behavior? You are the pack hussy." Tiffany, feeling the heat of anger rise within her, raised her hand in an instinctive gesture, but Melanie swiftly caught it midair, preventing any further escalation. "Don't even think about it," Melanie warned. "You can't compete with someone who has the blood of an Alpha." Tiffany retorted with determination, "Well, soon I will be your Luna. It would be best if you started treating me kindly." Melanie couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. "Tiffany, you will never be Luna. Another girl will be arriving soon to destress him, and she will think the same. He just wants to destress, and that's all you are to him." Tiffany runs away in tears and anger, leaving Melanie wrestling with conflicting emotions. She had to be tough on Tiffany as a pack member, but she also longed to reconnect with the carefree little girl Tiffany once was before her mother's passing. Later, as Melanie entered her brother's office, she saw him looking disheveled despite having showered. With a sigh, I glanced over at my brother. When I sigh, my brother hears me and says, "Melanie, do not begin to lecture me." With a heavy sigh, she met his gaze and firmly said, “You are my brother, and I love you very much. However, it is imperative that you let go of the past. Can you tell me how many years ago that was? There is a second chance mate out there for you, and you will continue to enjoy the warmth of these various she-wolves in your bed. If you are to be their alpha, you should help them recognize their worth so that when their mate comes along, you will not ruin it for them. As a young werewolf girl, every girl dreams of becoming the next Luna, which is like being a princess in a fairy tale, and they lose sight of what is truly important. As an alpha, it is your responsibility to reestablish that compass in them, and not to screw them in any way possible!” Jasper bristled at the admonishment, but Melanie continued, "You need to let go of the past. There's a second chance mate out there for you, and these escapades won't help your pack members recognize their worth when their true mate comes along. As the alpha, you must guide and protect them, not take advantage of them." Jasper's anger flared, but deep down, he knew Melanie was right. “Jasper! Back down, you know I am right! Your human needs to keep his d**k in his pants, until his second chance comes along.” I have always loved Jasper; he is a good wolf to my brother. My brothers’ eyes went from black back to his beautiful emerald, green eyes. “Now tell me what is going on Brother? Why the increase of (Cough) stress relievers?” "Melanie, I received a call from the Dark Moon Kingdom," he confessed. "They need our help with a delicate situation involving a royal warrior and a 17-year-old princess. They want to go up against the ruler Malcolm" As they discussed the situation, Melanie tried to help Andor see the potential dangers and implications of getting involved with the Dark Moon Kingdom. Despite the conflict, Melanie's unwavering love for her brother and her commitment to the pack influenced Andor to reconsider his actions and prioritize the well-being of their community by helping to get rid of the future potential threat “Malcom”. My sister furrows her brows as we both know how cruel that Kingdom became. “This man is a royal warrior of the earlier King and Queen, and it seems the previous king had a daughter the royal warriors had rescued. She now wishes to free her people from the newer tyrants’ Here is the situation. 1. She is only seventeen years old. 2. We would be having dragons fight with us against other wolves. You know even though I hate Malcolm and he is brutal with his kingdom; it is against the laws of our kind to fight with other species against your own kind. 3. What kind of experience would this little lost princess have? 4. I don’t want to release any of my pack for what would be a s*******r. 5. After I told them my thoughts, the warrior assured me that they would come and discuss this face to face. His Queen is more than just a 17-year-old girl. She is a true warrior, and he respects her regardless of her age. They will be here in a couple of days. “Well brother, how old were you when you first took over the pack?” “I am different Melanie; I was raised in this pack. Our father was abusive, but I was trained to be an Alpha to lead a pack. This girl hasn’t been raised around wolves, she has been raised around dragons, thus the reason she has dragons for allies.” “Brother don’t write her off so soon. My gut tells me there is more to the story here. When she comes to visit, we will put her through a series of tests of skills: fighting, administrative skills, as well as how she would think strategically, and how she handles a pack. Let her know this is the only way we will feel more comfortable sending our wolves out to war.” I see my brother shaking his head, “Why weren’t you declared Alpha of this pack sis?” “You know why, it is because our biological father almost killed our mom and you had to kill him to stop him from killing our mother. That made you Alpha of the pack. Now there are only a few ways for you to release the pack to someone else. 1. I kill you. Not happening I love you too much little brother. 2. Your mate is also a queen, and you need to be her king for her pack and then you can hand over the pack to the next in line. 3. Your wolf goes feral, and it is best to give the pack to the next in line. "Moreover, Brother, I will always be by your side." Walking over to my brother, I stood up and hugged him. "You need to find your mate now. I cannot continue to act like a Luna." "You understand why I was rejected, Melanie. I can expect the same treatment from my next mate. I don’t need a mate. There is no point in even bothering.” "My brother, take it from me, the she-wolf will love you. It is certain that your next mate in my heart will be ideal for you. She will only see your beauty and not the scars on your body or the memories of your past." Thus, as I turned to leave, I smiled and left my brother to his own devices. ANDOR’S THOUGHTS As soon as I turn on my computer, I am able to access the private internet of the Wolves. After a long absence, I looked at some of the underground pictures of Malcolm's Kingdom. There was something about what I saw that made me feel nauseous. I asked myself in horrified shock, what kind of a ruler could behead a three-year-old child? As a result of my long-term disregard for this issue, I felt so angry. When I threw my laptop out the window, the window shattered into pieces, as my laptop sailed out the window onto the training field. My beta came in laughing, “Looks like we need to add another laptop to this month’s budget, do we?” Looking up at my beta from the documents I still had to sign. I threw my pen at him. “Watch your tone beta! You still need to use a respectful tone when speaking to me. We are best friends only after work is over!” My beta tries not to laugh, he turns to throw the laptop he retrieved from outside in the trash. Heading back out of the door, he stops and turns back around. “Alpha, by the way, you asked me to look into the lost princess. She doesn’t have any digital fingerprints. I don’t have any information to give you about her.” (Back at the Winter Dragons castle) The King hands Ashina a manila envelope: Taking a letter opener, Ashina opened the manila envelope containing my brother's DNA test results. Our original guess was that my brother came from the Golden Dragons. We weren’t far off. However, my brother is a hybrid. I notice when I say out loud his species, the king's mouth drops open. Gandor's result shows that he is not a Gold Dragon, he is a Sun Dragon as well as a changeling. There is not enough known about either species as they are considered extinct, yet here my brother is going to school. Looking at the King, “Your highness, how can this be? Aren’t both species extinct? I don’t get it?” The King shrugs his shoulders at a loss. “Well, Ashina, it looks like we have some investigation to do. I mean the rumors were that the Sun dragons were direct descendants of the Sun God. These dragons were known to be very powerful. In fact, most thought the species to be a fairy tale. I will also have the lab double check the results. Another topic about your brother. I would like to adopt him. If we cannot find his parents. It is going to be hard to find any sun dragon adoptive parents. Chances are they don’t have an electronic fingerprint. I am not certain how we would advertise without bringing unsavory individuals wanting to use their powers when they surface.” “Your highness Nana loves us so much as if we were her own children. Let me talk to Nana about this. However, I know, except for the ones we trust no one should know what species he is. All they need to know is he is a dragon. Now the changeling part, they are also thought to be extinct." After driving home and talking to NaNa, she stated to me that Gandor is a son to her, regardless if he is a dragon or a wolf or any other species. She will raise Gandor and the King can still train him like he would the other dragon youth. This is now my NaNa's home, and she isn't going anywhere. I love Na Na so much. "I will miss you NaNa, I do love you so very much." My heart broke because once I leave I may never see her again.
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