Chapter 25 The Moon Goddess

1023 Words

Ashina's point of view - It was clear in my mind, since there were only two days remain until my birthday, and then we're leaving. Whether I have a mate or not, and whether any more soldiers come to my army or not. During my deep slumber, I drifted off to sleep in the warm bathtub water. The bubbles are long gone, and only the scent of daisies remains. I'm supposed to sleep during the day and wake up at night. Since I've been in this pack, I've returned to normal sleeping habits. I walked through a field which led to a forest, with trees taller than I could see above and I was amazed at all the flowers all around me. There was a pristine lake to the right where the moon reflected. On the other side of the lake, a woman glided across it, her hair long, black, and billowing around her wa

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