Chapter 23 Cinnamon and Apples

1041 Words

Ashina's point of view - My arms stretched as I yawned. I felt like I hadn't slept for a minute. I buried my face in a soft pillow. The pillow smelled like cinnamon and apples. I wondered who was making the apple pie. I decided that I wouldn't fight with my stomach anymore. We woke up to follow that amazing scent. When I opened my eyes, I was confused about where I was. These aren't my comforters, and this isn't my bed. What did I do last night? As I grunted, it came to me that I'd taken Andor to his room during his drunken stupor. I also realized I'd practically r***d him while he was asleep. I sighed and looked around. He wasn't in bed with me. I felt so relieved to not see him. It was so embarrassing, it felt like more happened than it actually did. As I throw back the duvet, my mout

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