Selina Goes Berserk

1282 Words

"Selina, what are you crazy about?" Rose finally had a chance to speak. She glared angrily at Selina, wishing to tear this woman apart. She even dared to hit her? No one had ever dared to slap her! Selina was such a b***h! "The person I want to hit is you!" Selina looked at Rose with anger. Rose was indeed beautiful, but what she did was really vicious. She was so crazy that she would even hurt an innocent child! Selina kept thinking about Maurice lying in ICU because of Rose's trick. He had suffered a lot and he almost died. She just could not calm down when she thought about that. She raised her hand to slap Rose again. Rose was beaten up. She really did not expect that Selina would dare to hit her again! Was she not afraid that Jerome would come back and get angry with her?

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