She Is Frightened

1082 Words

"Are you sure? Is it Mr. Harris's man? No mistake?" Aaron Smith couldn't believe it and couldn't help but ask again. "That's right. If it wasn't for Mr. Harris, who would have the courage to kick the patient out? The one who called was a woman who said that she was Mr. Harris's secretary. She received Mr. Harris's order and called the heads of every hospital in City L to arrange for them to refuse this patient." Mike Johnson did not dare to hide the truth and told Aaron everything honestly. After Aaron hung up the phone, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was strange. He was afraid that he couldn't explain it in a few words, so he hurriedly went to Corley's ward. "Mr. Harris." Seeing Corley, Aaron felt his legs tremble. Even though Corley had retired, his status as

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