
995 Words

"What..." Before Selina could finish her question, Jerome pressed her on the sofa and kissed her affectionately. Susan and the others had already left, leaving only Selina and Jerome in the large house. Only then did Selina realize that this was the compensation Jerome talked about. "Jerome, you..." Selina's resistance was useless. Jerome went hard on her and she couldn't even make a sound at the end of it. She was so tired and her whole body was sore. She puffed her cheeks and glared at Jerome. However, she was still in the refractory period, and her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were watery. She didn't look fierce at all, in fact, she was more attractive now. Jerome's heart skipped a beat. He looked at her delicate face and kissed her again. Selina couldn't make a sound. She

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