Chapter 28

1879 Words

Chapter 28Khalid had been staring at the ceiling for a while when he said, “I tell you, something is wrong. You can feel it, can’t you?” “Yes, I feel very uneasy right now.” Johan replied. “I feel like the pawn in a child’s game. You know the way kids play? Throwing the ball from one to another and I’m in the middle trying to catch it. I see the ball, I run from one player to the other, hoping to discover in advance where he intends to throw the ball next. But, each time he deceives me by throwing it in the opposite direction. It’s hopeless.” Perhaps The Dutchman’s age had something to do with his often rambling recollections of his youth. “I haven’t played that game or being the pawn as you call it,” Khalid said, “but I agree with you we’re being deceived. What we see and what we hear a

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